Hi everyone help needed, having chucked a bucket full of money at my bike l still find myself with a noisey engine. After the bike was stood for 12 months and not been run when I got it out got and got it to run eventually boy did it rattle so l have replaced engine mains and seals, small end bearings, water pump seals and bearings, engine back in the bike still sounded rough so on closer inspection of the piston some heavy scoreing was found so a full rebore and piston and rings have been fitted. Bike sounds good at low revs but at about 1/3 throttle l get a rattle that sounds like a loose bracket have not reved much higher but noise seems to be speeding up with the revs.
Have you ever had one of those days, did a trial yesterday and it was so muddy and slippy clay slime under wheel/foot that 3s and occasional 5s were the norm. I am dreading the results turning up dont really want to look to see how bad a day l acctually had.
Another option is buy some cheap foam backed carpet and some good quality spray glue and stick the carpet to all the flat surfaces on the roof and sides make sure you get the surface clean and dry before you start.
Oh kinell you've seen right though me, been found out not had time to ride with work, riding on sunday at rough holden if not cancelled by weather
The wife has mentioned paying for me to go but would like to know how much the day costs and would a bloke in his mid 30's look out of place
Have you also checked that the gear selector shaft is straight. You may have bashed gear lever on a rock etc remove shaft completely from engine and check with a straight edge, this is rare but also possible
I would say that this topic depends on how deep your pockets are l drive a lwb vivaro everyday for work and l have driven the VW/Merc vans in the past and personally think the vivaro is a lot better on comfort and handling.
You could probablly buy a new vivaro/traffic dual cab with a good spec inc metallic for what you pay for a 18 month-2 year old with a good spec. A word of warning!! they do say dont keep the vivaro/traffic past its warrenty as they are prone to doing gearboxes.
Before l purchesed my vivaro we priced a new transporter up in a good spec i.e. air con metallic paint etc on the 130ps swb and was quoted around 21000+vat and when we asked about disscount the sales manager would not disscus until we placed an order with deposit so we never went back and went and bought my vivaro lot less fuss talked good disscount and we took him up on it.
I like the 12g alarm idea but if you have a mains alarm fitted all you need is a couple of high decible screamers on the inside of the garage/shed because if memory serves, more than 108 decibles in a confined space is enough to make you ears bleed. Hence the little b***ards wont be able to stay in there long enough to nick your pride and joy
Please can someone out there help me with my wiring, have a bike which i am doing up problem is most of the original loom is missing so I need to start from scratch I only require a trials spec setup as not wanting lights etc
many thanks
I have recently bought a tl125 to do up not to a concours rebuild but a good usable trials iron to use instead of my 03 sherco 290. Now being a bit heavier than I was as a lad I am considering a sammy miller 150 conversion my barrel is a 124cc type so no problems there what I want to know is what to jet the carb to also do you run a different plug than standard ie hotter or colder. I am also thinking about doing a disc front end conversion as my fork legs need recromeing so what bike would be a good candidate for a replacement front end. If ferret flasher reads this need help with wirring.
How can you say such a cruel thing, I cut my trials teeth on one as a lad and it taught me a lot about trials riding i.e how to get up a big hill without a lot of power also a lot about bike control. I loved mine so much I have recently purchased another to restore nearly 20 years on mad or wot. Will probably put a 150cc kit on it seen as I weight a bit more than I did as a lad.
Now then ktm my advice to would be dont do any thing with the timing etc until you have tried the slow trottle i have owned an 03 290 from new and i made the mistake of backing the timming off to soften the power, this does affect the bikes top end peformance. When i had mine backed off it wouldn't pull fourth gear for big climbs etc, try it with the slow trottle first you will be amazed at the difference that it will make.
my advice would be to take your rack along to your local powder coaters and get them to do it will last alot longer paint and have alot better finish
I used to have a fiat scudo 2.0 jtd which is slightly bigger than a partner etc but still very car like to drive but has the advantage of carrying 3 bikes and kit without needing to remove anything and they have 3 seats in the front and side loading doors as well. Also look at peugeot expert and citroen dispatch which are the same van only with different badges
try chris up at TW Bikesport in richmond i have had a few second hand parts off him in the past he may have what you need call him on 01325 718811
Now correct me if i'm wrong but this is one of the last 05 bikes using the 4t split frame so the black box that you are puzzled over is the ignition coil that normally would be up under front end of fuel tank if you do buy the bike it might be a good idea to have some one fabricate a protective cover.
yes steve me is sure mine has been on that since new and me is not the lightest of riders so she gets full throttle on big climbs etc, never taken any harm yet. I get all my oil etc from TW Bikesport up at richmond . Also before any one wastes 270 quid on new stator from rathmells consider getting it rewound by steve at bradford ignition services because once he has done them they are better than factory new due to better materials used etc at a lot less cost about
personally i run my 03 290 at 70:1 or 72ml per 5ltrs fuel/oil mix using ipone oil have done since new never had a problem could be you are runing to rich a mix which could be fouling your plug at low revs
If it is the coils the best man to rewind them is steve @ bradford ignition services see add in tmx best man for the job did mine on a 03 290 a couple of years back and they have never let me down since they say that once steve has worked his magic they are better than the factory coils cost me about
my 290 does the samething peroidically !!check coolant level before taking the casings off!! mine does this if it hasnt been used for a while. I usually get enginge good and hot then drain oil and refill with new I personally think this is down to condensation in the engine cases, also do you power wash the bike alot cos this can force water past the engine seals. As I say check coolant level first!!!!
Hey good idea why dont you list e-mail address then everyone can send them a mail they might listen then. Strengh in numbers dont you know
Picture this me been at work all day thinking "great get home telly on watch sheffield result!!!" what happens them usless b*&$ards at eurosport stick snooker on now i like watching that but when you missed sheffield cos of other commitments its just not the same. Have looked on sky planner and its listing it onwed 25th at 4pm ch411 but dont hold your breath!!
I like everyone was hacked off when trials world folded its a pity cos for a magazine dedicated purely to our wonderful sport could not survive, i had been on subscription since the start surely some of the features could move over to the paper to stop it being dominated by mx ie. dougies column say once a month, test rides on the trials specials etc. So come on tmx give us trialers more for our money
have just looked at entry list for the scottish 6 and he
is down as riding sherco are we talking about the same sam