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  1. Get someone experienced to try it, if they say its normal then you can start concentrating on your technique rather than spending time chasing issues on the bike which may not exist.
  2. Its also missing the sump guard, an essential part!
  3. Try one before you buy, they’re not for everyone.
  4. Slide "almost completely closed" What does that mean?, are you saying the slide is not closing? theres your issue.
  5. I would also go with the OKO, ease of set up over the dellorto & runs cleaner.
  6. Have you cleaned the carb & blown through the jets?
  7. None of these points/comparisons you make are as important as how a bike feels to ride. Trying a bike is vital if you are thinking of buying.My advice is get the 250 which feels the most comfortable.
  8. tshock250

    EVO 200 MY 23 ?

    Don't overthink it, or spend too much time asking for peoples opinions on the internet. Everyones got different experiences. Start by having a ride on the bike you're thinking of buying, you'll soon know whether it suits you or not. An EVO 250 is the default clubman bike, i'd start there, get a test ride.
  9. It is indeed a 97 JTX as mentioned above.
  10. Problem there is you need the ultimate rider to make it work 😀
  11. Stators on these definately an issue. Also as you say, the fuel lines associated with the rear tank dont help. Certainly a model to avoid.
  12. They all fit different, go to a shop & buy the one which fits the best.
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