I have orded two seals ,bearing, shaft,cluch cover gasket coolant and oil that's me skint this week ha but rather than try and scrimp may aswell sort it out right in the first place
My bike started leaking coolant today from a little hole in the casing just wondering if anyone could shed some light into what is broke so I can get on and fix it the bike is a 2011 250
Here is the hole it defiantly looks like it should be there but don't no what it is
Well I used the helmet for a couple of hours yesterday it was warmish and sunny my head stayed dry and it is a nice helmet to where for long periods so for £70 ya carnt go wrong
I have just started done a couple of trials and it's a proper laff there is loads on in County Durham at least one a month have a look on the Callander
Well helmet has arrived and first impression is it looks good quality not too heavy nicely made but the picture shows it is like an illuminous yellow which in reality it isn't it's just yellow it's abit of a letdown as I wanted a bright one but don't let this put you off
I will give a better review after using it
Al rite mate
2007 should be £1600ish and just check the normal things like fram and engine numbers match v5 also listen for piston slap lift the back wheel off the ground and see if there is much play as if there is a lot it means replacing the dogbone bearings also don't worry if the cluch drags a bit till it warms up it seem a common problem both mine have done it
Hope this helps
I havnt seen a thread like this yet so let's see what you have
Hear is the bike I have just sold
Sherco 290 2005
And this is my new one
Sherco st250 2011
Lots of bling bits to be added soon
I just bought the same bike and carnt tell the difference between the maps mine came fitted with a 2010 tank as the last oner didn't like the way ya filled the 2011 is there a tap on the 2010 tank
I have just done my first trial at hillend weardale and I may as well of pushed my bike through the sections but I still enjoyed the experience and I am going to do my second trial on Sunday which has a very easy rout that I am hoping give me a bit of confidence I seem to loss all my ability to ride a bike when 50 odd people are watching me haha