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Posts posted by sam
  1. Milt,

    My bike was very blubbery at the last event, I'm going to run the 5 mile loop tonight to clean out the exhaust.

    Also, I'll change my pilot jet like trialsurfer mentions!

    I'm not going to mess with the needle, this bikes settings are stock from the factory, I'm sure.

    Thanks again,


  2. The symptons, 2003 cota

    3 turns out and my motor knocks possible fuel starvation. 4 turns out and she turns my plugs dark after 4 hours of riding. This all happens after a well cleaned carb.

    My jets are 110, 60 and 33.

    I run premium gas 80:1

    Is there much affect by raising the needle or lowering?


  3. The reason I asked is we have a winter home in Webster and south of Promise Ranch is being developed into a Class A motorhome park, funny how that little cattle/farm community is becoming like the rest of FL. as far as growth.

  4. David,

    Your Pop is a real trooper!

    I just bought my dad a CRF 100 for his 78th birthday. He has been a qaud rider the last few years and now he is back on two wheels.

    Missed you and Patrick at the Dixie Cup, what a blast!

    See ya at Flint Sunday...

  5. Thank you for the Replys everyone, sounds like a lot of fun, no events in the midwest that weekend, we may very well attend!

    Aaron, We hoped you, Waldo and Biff would have made it to the Dixie Cup, would of made a bigger class, I imagine you guys where regrouping after the RI nationals. Hope ya all make it to the Columbus 2 day, in 2 weeks!


  6. Do you people agree, just run the same format year after year?

    Support riders on Friday and World Round riders on the weekend, along with are nations best. I thought it was spetacular seeing are Experts and Pros riding the same day. This should effect and raise the level of are riders further down the road. The WR even effected the riders on Friday, I heard several people say it was the hardest national they had ever entered, So the event obviously raised USA TRIALS standards!

    TTC was my first national and I must admitt I had a blast, best parts is the start

    with the clock and all, I nearly fell off riding down the plank at the cazebo! :)

  7. I thought that the whole ordeal with bad sportsmanship was great! Americans love reality TV and this was a very dramatic moment with her.

    The episode at section 2 which was TI's was so heavy and intertaining. She roost Cal and he turns to the crowd and smoothly pulls the yellow card with a grin and the crowd cheered!

    I think Trials could realy catch on in are soap opra nation!

    Any numbers on attendance?

  8. You can go directly to EZups web site and sometimes they have a lower price on some units that are a over run of funny colors or somthing.

    Check out there larger units, like 10 by 20's.

  9. I'm one of the lucky ones!

    1: broken shoulder blade, that was fun because there is no cast. Hit field stone on down hill jump during practice at Redbud, why no goggles, tossed them the night before at night race, did not remember intill practice next day! DUH :thumbup:

    2: molers knocked out, hit chin on crossbar at Redbud, another race! :P

    3: small foot injurys often! :wall:

    The funny thing is I told everyone that RedBud was by far the most safe track because it was wide with lots of room, but thats were I would get hurt!

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