Sorry for my late reply Anotherfive , I have only just carried out the work . I completely stripped the carb down and cleared through every port or hole and rebuilt it , only I forgot what my air and fuel screw settings were . I then played around and to get it running correctly the air screw was about 3 turns out and the fuel the same -ish . Ticks over nicely with little if any puffs of smoke and is no longer addicted to choke . My only comment would be that you have to remove the rear body plastics to get the carb back in as it was a fag squeezng it out ., Could of been desgined a little more service friendly . ............
Thanks for the help with that Anotherfive .
cheers Dusty
Evening all , right , I will come clean in that I am by no means a mechanic but will have a go .
I am now about to rename my 07 280 txt to Whitney as it seems to be addicted to choke !! It all starts fine runs nicely but recently in the last few rides , maybe 3 or 4 , nothing big , maybe an hour each time , I gove it ten to fifteen minutes before I flick the choke off . It is now dying or trying too unless I flick the accelerator quickly . I dont know if I have knocked something but I am now running it on choke constantly with in reason . I have noticed that also after the last couple rides I undo the oil filler nut and there have been a few filings on the magnet and am wandering if that is a sign of some thing bad ,
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I dont want to cause any damage or do anything untoward to by beutiful Whitney .
Cheers Dusty
Thanks for that too Tomek , Bit out of my price range but does look smart . I have bought the Oneal STV short sleeved and tried it on earlier and have to say I am well impressed , especaily as it is light and comfy and the padding is just right , not to much but not to little . I will try it out in anger tomorrow
Cheers Dusty .
Cheers for that Totty79 . That is perfect , I didnt want anything to resticting nor looking like the Robocop , just a little protection for the shoulders . Thank you and I have just ordered the short sleeve option .
Cheers Dusty
Hi all . I am looking for some protection , not full torso , more to protect my shoulders . I know this may seem a bit OTT but I have an old war wound / damage that I would like to protect should I fall off . I know the idea is not to fall off but I am the clumsy type .
I have spent hours on the net and found all sorts but I am really looking for personal opinion as there is so many brands and options . Any advice would be appreciated ,
Cheers Dusty
Hi guys , before I load up a picture , is there anyway to identify a frame from its number on the stock , it has been heavily modified so is hard to compare via pictures .
thanks in advance
Thanks guys ,
pritty much summed up my thoughts . I dont generaly break anything , in 4 months I have snapped my clutch lever once and the clutch hose . I know it is trivial and I dont want to end up with van loaded with spares . I think I will go with a spare set of levers , hydraulic hoses , chain and few others as standby kit for home or in the van .
I do always ride with , even when playing is a small rucksack that contains a few basic tools and small tyre pump to help me out of the proverbial
Once again , thanks for your help and the input in to how I tackle the spares issue .
Cheers Dusty
Evening all .
Having recently got back into the world of trials , I realise that I need to think about carrying spares . Not necesarliy on me in person , but as a back up . For example , whilst trying to be clever and cut through a stream I caught my clutch hose right next to the clutch and split it . This led me to trying to play for half an hour with no clutch . Which was fun , sort of !
Any way , my point is , do you keep a few spares ie clutch hoses , break hoses , inner tubes , clutch levers etc . My real train of thought is that it may only take 48 hours to get replacements sent out but it can kill a weekend of playing .
Or should I not be such a clumsy T##T
Cheers all Dusty
Thank you guys for your help , I spent a bit more time looking and would you consider / think / that the first tank is a possible BSA A65 or B34 A7 Gold star . I know it has not got the recess for a badge but there are some very similar ones . It is a big wide tank , I would of thought 2 gallon . The fixing positions / studs are the same but the fuel taps are in the wrong position slightly .
But a big thank you guys and you have saved me from what seemed like water torture !!
Kind regards Dusty
Evening all , During a clear out and cataloging of my late father inlaws paraphenalia there are a few tanks to sort out , If any kind soul would be able to help identify what they are from I would be eternaly grateful as I have spent hours on the net trying to find out but am close to causing myself serious harm !!
On the Blue and silver tank it has TRIBSA on it and when I searched it I found many but nothing like it .
And the Green tank with Velocette on it , is not as it should be as it was being used as part of a Velocete trialer project !
If anyine has any ideas of what they are worth would be good aswell please .
Many thanks in advance
Thanks guys for your helpful advice . It is true that it is a very sad thing to have to do , he passed away before retirement so never got the chance to fulfil his ultimate dream of tinkering all day , not that he was out in his workshop every opportunity anyway . To him he was a true gentleman of the sport and had just as much fun building as he did riding . His next project was to be a trial bike as he sold his last one and bought a matese , shortly followed by regret !
I will be in contact Mr Greeves as any help would be welcome , as is said there are buckets full of odd things and to me I could not tell you what they are but to him ( father inlaw ) they all had a home and job to do . No doubt some items will end up on ebay but trying to avoid where possible because of the crippling costs . I know he would come back and open a can of woppass on me for burning to much of his money .
But once again , thank you for your help and I will no doubt list a few items up on this forums for sale pages when the time comes .
Many thanks Dusty
Hi all , I know there is a dedicated section for selling stuff but I am at a loss as what to do . My late father inlaw passed away in april and now that it has all been dealt with , ie probate etc , my partner has inherited what can only be described as an aladins cave of bike stuff . The stuff consists of just about every part possible for BSA's , Japs , Nortons and a 4 complete bikes , all pre 65 stuff . I can detail the complete bikes as he pointed them out to me enough times lol . He was into pre 65 scrambles aswell as trials and I know that 2 of the complete bikes were scrambles
It is the parts I am getting in to a mess with . I have frames , casings , a couple complete engines , carbereteurs , gear boxs , wheels , tyres and god only knows how many parts . It practicaly fills my double garage floor . I have absolutley no idea what is worth what , ebay was going to be my first point of reference but I dont what they are ( makes brands etc ) .
Is there any way or can anyone point me in the right direction of help , I am in south somerset if that makes a difference . I am not trying to sell via this topic as I know it is against the rules , just trying to get some help ,
Cheers Dusty
Evening all , first of all , happy new year . I am relatively new to trials scene , I rode a few trials about 8 years ago and had to shelve it . I got back in to it a few months ago and now have a gas gas 280 txt . I do pop out and play as much as possible but feel a craving to push myself and learn more skills .
I have 2 plots of land to play on but can only use one at the moment as the other is so wet it is just not viable . What I was looking for help with is ......is there anyone out there who fancies having a play around and teach me some skills , in return for food , tea , and used of the land at the same time . It has a small brook , trees , logs , ditches . It is not a massive area but more than enough to learn on . The other plot is woodlands but on a slope with plenty of fun to be had but not really available til april ish when it dries out .
I live a few hundred metres from the area and I am a mile from South Petherton , South Somerset . I know it is a big ask , but as they say , "if you dont ask , you dont get "
Cheers All Dusty
Evening all , first of all I will admit to being no mechanic and only have a basic grasp of maintanance ! But saying that I am not to dumb .
Anyway , during a little ( over excited ) play I managed to FUBAR my clutch hose . Have fitted a new one and was struggling to get pressure / bleed it . I contacted my supplier and through their recomendation managed to reverse prime / bleed the hose using a syringe on to the bleed nipple , forcing the oil back up and draining the excess out of the reservoire as I went .
I primed it for 5 good minutes until no more air came up in to the resevoire , did the bleed nipple up , checked the oil in the resevoire was about 3/4 full and refit the lid /cap .
I managed to build up pressure and the clutch was dissengaging , but not fully . with out the engine running , in gear with the clutch pulled in it was stiff to push . So I fired it up , rode around abit to see if that would sort it .
I got off with the engine running , still in gear , clutch in and it would try to move off ,only slowly but it was obvious the clutch was not fully disengaging , as when I then applied the clutch and brake , you could hear the engine stuggling a bit .
So my question is , what can I do . The problem did not exist before I buggered up the original hose . I dont know what else to try , the banjo bolt is not showing signs of leakage , nor the top nut , but for some reason I can not fully seperate the clutch . Please help as I dont know what else to do / try apart from cry like a little girl and sit in the corner of my workshop and rock back and forth !!
Many thanks in advance . Dusty
As said , I should have put my boots on and not rushed out on a break for a quick play with only trainers on , fluffed the kick and jammed my leg in to the kick start , cracked my shin and am now paying for it . The Boss has veto'd any fun . Luckily she is out tomorrow !
Evening all , as said in my intro , I used to ride a bit nearly ten years ago and used to borrow my late father inlaws pre 65 OSSA . It was a fun bike but still hard work . I have recently got back into it ( weeks ) . I bought a Yamaha TY250 and had a bit of fun and was amazed how much easier it was to ride due to the weight etc . Well , I just bought a 2007 GAS GAS TXT 280 , and boy is that a different kettle of fish again .
I am amazed at how much easier the control and balance is . I am truly a convertee . Had a bit of a play and am now Sold on riding modern .
The amazing thing is how much easier it was and how much more fun I was having playing around . I have permission to use a bit of land of my local friendly farmer and it has some nice big mounds of earth on it , ditches , shallow brooks , woods , big piles of timber to move aorund and make some nice sections .
At the moment I am working from home ( workshop ) and it is not fair as the boss ( wife ) says I must do 8 hours of work before I can play and it not fair , scream , cry , blubber , toys out the pram .........but she goes horse riding every day , and while the cats away , the mice will ........rip around on a bike !!!
Anyway , happy days and hope all is well with you all .
Kind regards Dusty
Hi guys , I just wanted to say thanks for all the replies . I have now managed to get to the bottom of the problem . It would appear that the special metal washer with the tabs that lock around the nut of the front sprocket had some how bent out and was catching on the chain . I have now re-dressed it to the tabs and now it is perfectly squek free .
So once again , many thanks for all your help .
Kind regards Dusty
Hi Guys , thanks for the replies . The squek is definately there , it seems to be a rotation thing . Not per cycle of the chain , alot quickeer than that . I tried running it slowly while walking along side it but it didnt squeak then . It only happens when underload , ie under my "heavy duty" frame . I managed to lean over and pin point the squeak to the area of the front sprocket . I did jack the bike up and rotate the wheel and the chain ran freely and I checked the sprocket for signs of where in a localised spot . I was hoping it may be the bearing from the sprocket drive or whatever it is called . Is this likely and is it a job and a half to do !
Cheers Dusty
Hi all , Just wanted to pop in and say hello . I am new to the modern trialing scene , but used to borrow a bike and ride a few pre 65 trials locally on an Ossa . I havent ridden for nearly 8 years and decided to get back in to it and ride a slightly more modern ( lighter ) bike ! . I have just bought a Yamaha TY250 to start with but have a gas gas in my sights . The site looks great and look forward to being part of the community .
Kind Regards Dusty
Hi all , I am new to the foruma and the world of trials and bought myself a TY250 .
I was having a play about with the bike and after a few days it started to squeak . , I first of all replaced the rear wheel bearings as that was what I thought it was , The squek was still there . I tried to locate the noise and it seems to sound as if it is coming from the front sprocket .The chain seems to run ok around it and the only other thing I can think of is the bearing for the shaft . I am by no means a mechanic but any help or advice would be much appreciated .Is it a big job or if I am heading down the right road .
Many thanks in advance Dusty