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Everything posted by bilco
  1. bilco

    Any News ?

    This is very true. however you've gone way out of section,think you stated in a previous post that,(it ain't coming and i doubt if fantic ever will.). I did'nt mention fantic would be back under the original ownership or who they will partner with. I heard a rumour that something (might) turn up at the milan show at end of year,but don't quote me on that. now what's that ching ching noise i can hear in the background.
  2. bilco

    Any News ?

    The old fantic regime are still making some part's for the old fantic's,however there not able to display the fantic name on them for obvious reason's. So yes it's easy to buy a name but it's what you do with it that count's,if they can produce a quality bike out of it then that's all good,apart from that it's great to see a name from the past in light's again. I think there's a reason why the sherco's arn't badged up as bultaco not sure why it is though.
  3. bilco

    Any News ?

    well the engine's that are in those 125 enduro's they've produced so far ar 4 stroke's yam's.
  4. It's ok glyph i have a crap sense of humour. Put the electric's back on the bike how it should be,see if you can find someone to lend you a cdi unit and try that.If still no luck,the new stator might even be duff,also pull the kill button plug out and see what happen's. remember you don't fully know your bike untill you've had it all in piece's. Be lucky.
  5. Ever thought of taking up a diffrent sport Glyph. just a thought.
  6. Yes only if the silicone was made before 1965.
  7. I would'nt be happy in losing money like this either. Beg's the Question should such a huge task be taken on by club's and a few rider's that are willing to put there house on the line,i don't think so.
  8. rode for 3 hours like this, by the time I was done I literally had sweat running out of my helmet, it was kind of gross. a just out of interest are you wearing your full face mx helmet or have you reverted to an open face helmet. think we all sweat but a full facer would'nt help cool you down much.
  9. lol...ya, after i posted it i was like,"oh crap, no one is gonna know what that is...for fun they walk around the neighborhood lifting heavy stuff in peoples yards, then go have protien shake chugging contests with their friends, then if they have enough time before their 10th workout of the afternoon they'll snort a couple lines of creatine and stare at themselves in the mirror"....lol sorry if i offended anyone Apology excepted. If you have the mean's of getting out on your bike as much as possible even for an hour is a good thing to do,not just for the fitness side of thing's but good for your ridding ability aswell. Not sure how many trial's you've done,but a good long day of trialing will wake up alot of muscle's you never knew you had,and boy you'd feel it the next morning. hope that answer's some of your question.
  10. Are you crazy going to a fitness site and asking people that don't smoke,eat junk food or drink large amount's of beer a question like that.
  11. Good to see the rocky world of trial's is alive and kicking. What no back up what if there was 3 rider's going into the last round level pegging?
  12. bilco

    Any News ?

    look's like they've allready hit our shore's. Smack This
  13. Was'nt Bernie a world championship rider.
  14. Can't say i blame you thinking of going the twinshock route. not so sure the ty125 will give you the power you want though,back then we used to go from the ty80 onto the ty175 and even that was seen as a beginner's bike,so maybe worth looking into a twinshock with abit more bite to it.
  15. bilco

    Any News ?

    hit this I would'nt be so quick to shoot them down,look's like there focusing where the money is at the moment.
  16. Riding a trial's bike is in the Blood, it's either there or it is'nt.Don't make the mistake of watching the the good guy's making it look easy all the time, they've probaly been riding since they we're 5 years old so your never gonna catch up with them anyway,best thing to do is to forget what there doing and enjoy your own ride. I've got the opposite problem to you at the moment i want to get out and ride but i have to work weekend's untill late september now,so my need to ride is getting stronger by the day,maybe you just need to lock the bike away for a couple of month's and get on with other thing's in life. there you go pretty much the same said as the other post's.
  17. How you can distinguish between south africans finnish belgians and british defies belief That is easy, THEY DON'T LIVE HERE! Most only come for money! They have no vested interist in the US or its riders, they are only in it for themselves! Or whatever manufacturer is paying them! Crosset was a good example, self centered useless P.O.S. in my book! At least Bruce came here to live, ride and learn. AND STAY! Same with David! Tommi worked his way doing shows and schools! There are better riders to be a HIRED GUN, all it takes is money if you want to buy a US Championship with imports! B.S.! I am just not sure we want or need that sort of help! And yet, not that any are not welcome to come and play with the kids and the rest! Some can scratch a living on their own good standings. TTC may be looking for a resident Pro! Thats another topic! I agree with you copemech no quality british or european rider should go and ride in the state's for any reason just incase your younger rider's might learn from them and progress to the world stage. It's your younger one's that will benifit from him being there so what's the big deal apart from gate crashing your championship for a year.
  18. Hi. No you have an option,you don't have to wear one at all,But that's probaly bad advice.
  19. ok,let's persume the club's are well aware of how there setting out section's and to what rule's they want them to be ridden,if they state it's a non stop only trial they might fear that the hopper's won't turn up which mean's to them lost revenue. Now with that in mind what exactly would they tell an observer that's been round the block how they should observe. yes your right addict thing's do seem to be in a mess,however the people that are able to address the situation don't seem to be interested in doing so.
  20. The old school observer in a new school section,only one answer to this find yourself's some observer's that know how to mark a hoping trial if that's what it was or failing that give up your own ride for the day and observe yourself but that won't happen will it.
  21. jesus i think his lonely. he must be alot slimmer now.
  22. Judging by there website there toy maker's. I can't see them hurting the other's to much myself,one year wonder's.
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