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Everything posted by bilco
  1. what was the reason you changed coil? Was it the original coil you took off,if so the chance's are you still have the original stator on your bike.might be worth looking into that abit more.
  2. so it would seem better to scrap the adult trophie's and put the money toward's better trophie's for the youth class,me think's.if you have a youth class that is.
  3. I think that is because they are the sponsors of Hawkstone Park, and the site is advertising the event not the newspaper.. Please correct me if i am wrong. If you click where it say's T+MX it will direct you to there web site and that will tell you who they are.. Not that im bothered, it was just an observation.
  4. Im sure i saw there name on this very site advertising in the site supporter advert box.
  5. It must be the shape of your helmet Bilco, we'll see it on my space next, "why I married the tit in the helmet" Hey Wishy. I think it would sound better if we head it as "why i married the tit with two helmet's".
  6. You've got me paranoid now,i just had to go and try mine on,now the mrs want's to take a photo of me with nothing else on but my helmet on. Blimey.
  7. Are you going to the shop to try the helmet on before you buy,same size's on diffrent make's of helmet do tend to differ a little.
  8. Have you tried starting it on the bump.
  9. Hi mil. my fantic goes in on the slant corner to corner very easily, turn the handlebars so the handlebar end rest on the bulkhead,i normaly tie some rope from the handlebar to the bulkhead to secure the bike.You have plenty of room for your gear to. The engine's are 1.9's. there's the SDI which is abit slow off the mark and up hill's but once there wound up there pretty quick. Or you have the TDI very quick which is the one you want if you have the extra money to spend. Go and see if you can get a test drive in one from your local dealer,your love it. I know what you mean about the tranny,i dont know what ford are playing to be honest they could come out with something abit more stylish than that if they tried.
  10. Take a look at the new shape VW caddy,go for the TDI you can burn with the Golf's and get eyed up by the surfer babe's aswell. drive's and feel's just like a car. Done 100,000 mile's with mine and no problem's what so ever. I've had the other van's before and you can expect to change part's on them at around 60'000 mile's.
  11. You can't have any long steep climb's with tree stump's and rock's sticking up waiting to have you off where you are
  12. bilco

    Rev3 05 Died

    in that case it might not be what i was thinking. thought it might have been the woodruff key broke, but it might still be worth checking first.Them flywheel nut's like to be tight on else the flywheel will snap the key.
  13. How can we be sure we know who were sending the pm to though,any one can sign up to the site. i won't talk about practice area's to any one that is'nt sitting next to me on a bike anymore. We owe more to the land owner than just dropping him in it and sending him a problem. If someone's just starting out in trial's,they can get advice from this site to what shop to goto about a bike then find a club to trial it at,in that time there talking to the right people,and sitting on a bike, so then if he want's to find a practice area he can ask those people or some rider's at a trial he does.
  14. Mod all you like guy's, it will only up the price of my trusty original fantic in later year's. god if i started cutting the old girl up i'd be crying with it.
  15. bilco

    Rev3 05 Died

    have you had the flywheel off lately.
  16. In the real world that would work CK but people like rambler's and such like's don't live in the same world as we do. It's not even about us destroying the nature to them,it's about there worthless life's in need of a little power. A farm put on a 4WD charity event last summer,now we're talking one day in the year to raise money for a good cause,the local's made such a fuss after the event to the farmer about the noise,cut a long story short the farmer won't be putting on the event again. That's the kind of people we have to try and reason with,i don't want to sound to negative,but it aint gonna happen with them kind of people. Going back to rambler's. Anyone that drive's a car down a country road on a sunday would find about 20 rambler's walking down the middle of the road thinking they own the damn road aswell.If they can't respect the car's driving on the road something they all do to get there in the first place what chance do us off roader's have. How do we reason with thick head's.
  17. i've been thinking about this land loss thing for a while. Is it such a good idea that we post on here about trial's venue's and practice venue's,After all the web is free to every nutter under the sun to reed. People will see us going through there village on a sunday morning but they don't know where we're stopping at,but they can reed on here and a name of a farm in there area is holding a trial and that's how all this start's. I'd rather keep trial's underground myself.
  18. And i thought that was you smelling like a tart when i was ridding with you sean.
  19. Why's that,incase you make a spectacle of yourself.
  20. Did'nt the great Eddie Lejeune wear glasses?whilst in competition he did'nt do to bad for himself.
  21. Your quite right there tucker people have a job understanding what trial's is about. However i just have to come clean and say when im in a pub and get talking to stranger's we get around to talking about what sport we're involved in,i say i do trial's they look at me blank so then i mention dougie lampkin's name and then the penny drops with them,mate i've lost count of how many free drink's i've had bought for me by just mentioning his name.i've earn't instant respect from them just because they think i ride at the same level as doug doe's. It's great.
  22. And that's not the end of thing's,more and more farmer's are going out of business every year, and that's when the city people come in and buy the farmhouse's and land and leave everything standing idle.you got no chance of getting your bike on that land agian. It's about time people in this country started fighting back again,instead of having the "im allright jack" outlook on thing's.
  23. Your be lucky if the ACU would even want a sniff at this,if anything you'd probaly find there be all for it.
  24. That's another good point billy. A green observer to a rider that's read the rule book inside out is like honey to a bee. I know we've had this topic before many time's,but no one has ever mentioned that it could be the book that is the stem of the problem's.we know it's not all the rider's doing it but as we said before it only take's one rider to upset an observer and that's the end of that. I dont see why it can't just be down to the club to mail out the rule's of the trial with the reg's.that mean's both side's know what's going on. At the end of the day what can be more simple than riding through marker's apart from that big rock in the way . As for the safety aspect offcourse that should be stated,i was'nt having a dig at that side of thing's
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