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Everything posted by faussy
  1. Are you really saying a 250 is easier stalled than a 125? Go into any dealer and its filled with second hand 125s and 300s that they cant get rid of
  2. 250 gg, the 125 is for people who are likely to kill themselves when they open the throttle. If you've ridden bikes before, this isn't you, and at 35 you will soon get bored of the extra work needed to get the same level of fun from it Is that why you are still a novice?? Hence don't get a 125, nothing easier stalled than a 125, A 250 has much much better resale value! The most in demand used bike there is
  3. Im usually a 10 in the uk and 45s fit me perfect, which are basically 10.5. If you plan to wear thicker socks than you would with a pair of shoes then id definitely allow for some room
  4. Better IMO (and I'm even excluding the cheerleaders in that :p) especially when you consider its 97, and there were even better indoors than that back then. The sections had better variety, the race was a better section, they used to have a high jump, a proper waterfall, there was once a rope bridge section, I remember it could have been Barcelona they had a succession of massive steps that went up into the stadium. Some of the 90s indoor in France were downright ridiculous with the sections they made out of scaffolding
  5. Don't want to be totally negative but I kind of agree. They really need to introduce something new, some of the sections and I don't just mean Sheffield, most of last years x-trial were diabolical! Compared to 90s and early 00s indoors it really has went backwards. Surely theres more to it than a severe lack of imagination in making out sections. The race section for example, like come on, they've been using that stupid jump and pipes longer than Theresa Mays promised commons vote! Is one new section a year too much to ask? And why not have a qualifying like the outdoors? Just be thankful they didn't have that terrible red bull ball section PS thanks for the vids nonetheless ?
  6. Thats probably because Japanese bikes have relatively loose big end pins in comparison to European manufacturers PS id be careful with your swingarm angle, don't over do it
  7. faussy

    2019 gearing?

    I live in the uk and never felt the need for a lower first or 3rd. Lowering 3rd on a gg for uk conditions seems totally counterintuitive, unless you plan on bringing 4th more into play
  8. I hope she was worth it ?
  9. Probably lol. Was just checking that you knew the 315s never existed in Repsol colours
  10. Its not a replica if no such bike existed in the first place
  11. Ive seen this happen to a few people, on betas and gg, and with different heights of boots
  12. faussy


    Try Richard Allen, he will certainly have used plastics at the very least
  13. If its just a one off trial and you don't want to buy a new helmet, id look at trying to borrow one rather than use a 50 year old helmet. As far as I know though, I don't think you would be turned away
  14. Ditto with the Repsol montesa gear, in which case I definitely believe they attract that type of owner!!! I think its just the easiest replica gear to get, the other bike manufacturers don't really do bike specific riding gear or else its harder to obtain. I do find it a little frustrating when certain WTC riders don a set of riding gear that the public cant buy (currently applies to busto and Fajardo) I find the popular return to two piece riding gear in the last 10 years or so a welcome relief and theres definitely an improvement in the availability of stylish but muted trials gear! Other than raga I don't think anyone else sports a one piece when in the 90s early 00s they were all the rage Another point may be that I think the TRS is the only easily available one piece suit (I stand to be corrected though)
  15. What does that prove? My mistake, I guess it proves this
  16. Moto Guzzi were on to this in the 1920s Why dont you just get a beta 80, install a 10kg flywheel weight on it, wait your 1.5 seconds with the clutch in while its accelerated to speed, drop the clutch in front of your biggest hill, and then let us know how much more torque it has than my 300 gg
  17. For those of you not on FB, Bou has confirmed himself that he will be at Sheffield
  18. Ah right ok, I thought he may have dropped back down since he's been away for so long
  19. Does anyone know what class Arnau is riding? If it's trial2 then there's another rider thrown into the mix. It may be more entertaining than trialgp next year
  20. There was definitely something hitting the head. Id want to split the crank to see the total damage before ordering anything. No offence, but judging by your knowledge i dont think you have much hope repairing this correctly on your own. I understand your will to want to repair this yourself, but spltting crankcases and rebuilding a crank is definitely for experienced people.
  21. If youre 100% set on gaernes, the oiled are more comfortable straight from the box, the std take a while to bed in (not long mind you), but once bed in theres not much to choose. Waterproofness is the same, since they end up leaking via the stitching and the liner behind the shin guard, which is irrespective of boot material. The std scuff after a few months and if you are the fussy type can start to look rather scuffy. The black should be easy to touch up with polish. The oiled stay better looking for longer. At the end of the day it all comes down to whether you want a brown pair or a black pair. If you ride a lot of rivers, all boots will lose some rigidity as they absorb the water, but the gaerne oiled seem to do this more so than others as they are already more flexible that other boots straight from the off. If you value your toes while riding rivers id stay away from them. PS theres also new goretex models that are even more expensive than the oiled if you didnt already know.
  22. As good a pic as i can find on the net of what im pretty sure is an 04
  23. You are 100000% missing the rubber, regardless of what the manual says. Fit one from a year you can find, or make something up, job done. From what i can remember they are only fixed with the sump plate bolt, the rest just curves around the frame and is unfixed at the other end
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