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Everything posted by faussy
  1. 1.5 thou?! Maybe on a freshly bored engine. Some piston manufacturers would recommend more even on a fresh rebore! Wear limit i would guess would be around 5 give or take
  2. Not trying to be funny, but your question isnt much better than "should i buy a red jacket, or a blue jacket?" How longs a piece of string, and how long do you like your pieces of string?
  3. Yes, because the more times you do that, the more times you have to service your suspension
  4. Coarse emery paper, youre going to have to rub it down after the paint stripping anyway, may as well save the time wasted with a heat gun. A sander and the appropriate paper and you should have a tank clean of paint in 10 minutes If its the underside of the tank, then refer back to paint stripper Unless you are on a very tight budget, id save yourself the headache and get the frames shot blasted. 2 frames would probably cost you around 100 quid
  5. PS, you do know bike racks exist? They take up a fraction of the space of a trailer, and if you have a towbar already fitted relatively cheap
  6. For a daylight MOT you dont need lights, as long as you ride during the day in clear visibility. A rear plate, horn and speedo is all thats necessary. Im not sure how long it would take to remove the lights and seat. The 4ride seat and its extra gubbins are quite substantial, theres radiator shrouds and larger mudguard as well. If you remove it i dont know whats underneath, but it definitely doesnt turn into a standard trim 4rt. They have the same engine, frame and suspension as im aware, but you most likely would have to replace the seat youve taken off with something to cover up the filter and replace the 4ride rear guard with a standard guard. Removing a 4ride seat wouldnt gain you much, as theres a plastic structure underneath that is still quite bulky. What you probably want is a standard 4rt with an add on supplementary seat and toolbox, which keeps the original tank and mudguard in place. This however wouldnt be as comfortable as a proper 4ride on the road, but would be more competitive in the trial. Amos Bilbao rode the complete ssdt on a 4ride, so you can certainly trial them even in complete 4ride trim. He finished 20th ish, although i dare say he would hvae been further up the leader board had he been on a standard 4rt. All depends how competitive you want to Sherco also do a 4 ride equivalent, dont know what its called, but i think its even further away from a trials bike.
  7. Your engine has probably went 30 years on the original bore. Bore it to fit the next piston size up, and go another 30 years
  8. I dont think its fuel related. A bike running low on fuel always gasps for a while before cutting completely, this stopped with absolutely no warning. Sounds more like ignition to me
  9. Could be coming through the join in the airbox
  10. Its easier to remove the M10 bolt because you also have to remove the bolt that connects the linkage plate to the swingarm. That way the shock can come out with the just the linkage plate connected to it. So two bolt removals Although, if its been a while since its been out you may want to take the dogbones completely out and grease them, since youve gone this far
  11. You've never needed to remove the skidplate! Wheel out, airbox off, dogbones off, remove top bolt, and out it comes
  12. Or a screwdriver, or a rag between the plier jaws and the spacer! And most people have a heat gun. The object is to do the job without causing excess damage, and when youre a dealer uploading videos to the public even more care should be taken.
  13. Thought id seen enough when he removed the wheel spacers with a pair of water pump pliers, then he started knocking the bearings out cold
  14. Tidying up a tank on the outside is relatively easy, but its virtually impossible to get the inside in decent shape. With that tank you would be finding tiny particles of rust in your carb float bowl for the next 40 years
  15. Impossible to judge from those pics. Its the inside that needs to be seen, and the fact he doesnt show any is probably all we need to know
  16. It sure is. The UK is the privatisation capital of the world, sure even Wembley is going to be sold off to an american
  17. You should enter the world round! With all that wishful thinking you would win!!
  18. In a weird way i kinda think brexit is relevant. British people are more money driven than our european counterparts, a big red bus swayed brexit afterall. The europeans would be prepared to run an event for little to no profit, as long as it was a great show. Here, the money making ability is first on the list, mostly to the detriment of the sport
  19. faussy

    Mini Vandal

    They dont have a clutch, nor a gearbox nor a normal rear footbrake (judging by the pictures anyway). They look auto to me, and the last auto gasgas's were garbage
  20. faussy

    Mini Vandal

    I question the philosophy behind these bikes. Electric bikes have captured the junior market and the world of motorsport is only going in one direction. Why on earth would you put a kid on one of these when theres at least a 50% likelihood in 20 years time Trial E will be the dominant class. Also, will they introduce a non electric youth class for these? I doubt they would stand a chance against the current electric models.
  21. Lower ground clearance...lower centre of gravity? Spin it a way that doesnt bug you anymore
  22. Did you tighten the grub screws? Especially the one we cant see opposing the one closest to your bumper? You might need to loosen the one closest to your bumper and then tighten the opposing one. That should correct the backward lean. If these are tight, it shouldnt rock back and forth
  23. The amount of times ive tried starting a bike, and then successfully started and wondered what the muted sound was...... Exhaust bung left in after the wash
  24. faussy


    This bit seems to hint that the main bearings are exchangeable from the outside without splitting the casings. Major no no IMO The rest.... pass
  25. Ouch, i feel bad for the motor just ticking over, i dread to think what it sounds like when you rev it
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