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Everything posted by faussy
  1. This is like the truest thing ive read in a while lol
  2. Definitely looks rich. Id expect a bike that has a plug like that to run noticeably lumpy or nearly oil up. You could lean the mixture, but be very careful because the last thing you want is a new bike running too weak! Usually in the cold weather bikes need a richer mixture, so again, kind of unusual.
  3. Agee, even light riding the fan is usually on within 5 minutes, 10 minutes top. A bike left at tickover for 15 minutes still shouldnt be that sooted oiled up Looks too rich to me, as opposed to too much oil
  4. 15 minutes is well long enough to get a bike warm and for a plug reading. Dont know what the running time has got to do with unburnt oil in the silencer. The state that plug is in i doubt if he run the bike continuously for a week it would look any better!
  5. Being in shape invariably helps, the less mass you have to move the easier it is to hop. But the one thing about trials that most people like is that fitness and strength play a minor role to skill and technique. Theres a lot of heavy guys that can hop very well, and also lots of guys straight from the gym that struggle to lift the front wheel nevermind the back! Dabill and maybe Ferrer and Casales are the tallest heaviest guys on the world tour. Dabill is around 6'1, 180 ish pounds i would guess from seeing him in person
  6. Fair play for really attempting at trying to get this. Youre close. Easier to learn on an up slope, which it looks like you are. Work the legs more, bounce on those pegs!! Looks like most of your input is through your arms at the moment
  7. You clearly dont remember the Camozzi brothers! Guys were tanks! Try telling them their height and weight was a disadvantage!! Think bruno was 5th in the world one year Steve Colley and Tommi Ahvala, two other 6'2 plus guys, and nobody could air turn like Steve back in the day!!!
  8. Fully synthetic is more suitable for MX, trials only really needs semi. Theres nothing wrong with the oil you bought, in fact its maybe too good. Your bike may just run a little oilier, but ultimately safer as its a better oil.
  9. They shouldnt be overly hard. If they are, its most likely youve a bad seal somewhere
  10. Am i sure in that he wont be riding a beta or that hes the only one capable of a top 10? He was contracted with GG for two years, although nowadays i suppose that doesnt mean that much. As for any other brit being a consistent top 10, i suppose its a little more likely with cabs gone, but still a long shot i think
  11. Yeah, they have these rowing machines that work on dry land you know Gonna go against the flow here and say swimming isnt the best. Ok at building all round fitness, but doesnt work any real specific muscle group that you also use on a bike (and im a keen swimmer). Squating seems to be the in thing at the moment, across all sports. You only have to look at tonis and dabills legs to notice they work their thighs out a lot! What do you find you stuggle with during a trial? Arms, legs, out of breath? Focus on wherever you think youre lacking
  12. Rowing, simulates pulling on the bars and also builds the legs
  13. Stay away from any sherco with a diaphragm type carb (the airbox and tank inverted), any i see run like crap
  14. I hear ya, the spanish will be rubbing their hands when they see all the grippy rocks ?
  15. Why have the copy when you can have the original?
  16. I have been to a WTC recently, and i certainly didnt go to see to see the trucks. If i wanted to see trucks id go to a MX or MotoGP, or to my local Scania dealer. Id prefer it if they did turn up in transits, at least we could see more of the riders and the mechanics rather than them hiding behind an awning. But you are right, its the world we live in now, and the big teams do have the clout to dictate for things like this.
  17. Not for the majority of the fans it isnt, and its the fans that determine whether its a success or not. I could list at least 10 things that should come before "where will we park the trucks".
  18. Who cares? Who goes to trials to look at trucks?
  19. Pretty sure Cabs has retired, a post on paxaus FB page says he has
  20. And riders that knew how to ride a mucky rut or a grassy bank!!! lol
  21. Or maybe to make you believe the tyre was holding air..... At high pressure a badly fitting rim tape is forced against the rim and seals, low pressure less force so it leaks.
  22. Dont think i am missing the point, ive competed in both!!! Why restrict a youth who is fully eligible to compete in the Acklams age wise, just because he scored a point at the adult round. If they really wanted as many riders out as possible, they would allow all youths no matter what ability to compete in the championship that they wanted, both if they wanted. Pitch the acklams at a lower level by all means, and if the youth elite dont want to bother then they wont, but they should be allowed compete in both. At the moment it just sounds like a championship aimed to force out the good riders so a rider of less ability can win. "Go away, youre too good" kind of attitiude Imagine a youth who competes at the adult round, finishes fifth out of 5, scores points but cant go to the acklams youth the following week. I thought youth classes were defined by your age, not your ability.... I understand the logic, just think its a tad discriminating on a few riders. Seeing five riders compete in the youth A all year is definitely not the way forward i agree
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