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Everything posted by scbond2
  1. scbond2

    Alpina Mod 99

    know i need a puller but the whole holder thing is confusing straps, impact drivers special tools etc
  2. scbond2

    Alpina Mod 99

    got the outer cover off can see points which dont seem to move. what the favourite flywheel removal method?
  3. scbond2

    Alpina Mod 99

    havent had time to look at the ign but started with the plug its a NGK BP5ES according to the net if its elec ign it should have an r for resistor in the title otherwise might fry the ign! does the team agree?
  4. scbond2

    Alpina Mod 99

    well ive wondered about the ign guess ill have to investigate, watch this space
  5. scbond2

    Alpina Mod 99

    greg do condensors go suddenly? how do you test? fuf dont think so cos its done a few trips recently giles im told it has elecronic ig and its been doing some trail work how did you know it was the bearing?
  6. scbond2

    Alpina Mod 99

    took it for a trip after 30m ish it suddenly lost power but stiil ran but sometimes stopped, fuel and spark seem ok, cant see any leaks, compresion seems ok crankcase seal perhaps? any thoughts? steve
  7. got a m99 alpina recently,runs okish so far steve
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