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  1. the Mc Donalds are salt of the earth and your loss if you dont meet them thats all I can say
  2. yamaha dt 360 pistons fit try getting one of them
  3. Brian trott was a lovely man and i used to look forward to my visits to the family business in totnes such a clever man and was always very friendly very sad to hear this news RIP Brian i will always remember you .
  4. Glyptal Red Enamel Paint 946ml (US Quart) Product Code : P260 is what you whant i think from frost .co.uk
  5. yea still live in sunny south devon who is it hiding behind jonnyboxer? been racking brains whats left of em anyway
  6. Hi there i have been snooping around here for a few years now but have only recently registered dont really know why it has taken me so long but thats another story (i like telling them) anyway have been into trials most of my life seen lots of it in my time ,but have not ridden for a couple of years since selling 4Rt(lovely bike) anyway am building trick little TLR200 as a bit of a RS honda replica some will say cheater bike but i have never been able to leave bikes alone that was what people did back in the day anyway i will try and post some pictures of it with my home made exhaust modified frame ally swing arm and machined out tubeless rim(ouch i hear the purists say) but i just love fiddling about.
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