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Everything posted by fastbelly
  1. Just sold my 05 to my mate. I had it from new, fantastic, well built reliable machine. Had more problems with my new Gas Gas in three months than I ever had with my scorpa.
  2. Ouch! They will be more than the bikes worth!
  3. My SY250 never did this when running out which it often did whilst practicing. I have had mx and enduro bikes do it. Funny question though.
  4. Yup, I always make a point of it. Learned that thats what you do at my first trial when I was yobby 17yr old and 30 yrs later still do it as a matter of habbit, and gratitude. I recently soaked some poor young chap cleaning my rear tyre in a stream and hadn't noticed him pull up behind. I was mortified, I appologised emphatically and repeated my appology several times through the trial when I saw him. Weeks on and he still blanks me and looks the other way. Now when I say drowned it was just a minor shower really. I.m a regular guy on the scene and I would like to think, well liked. I don't get the attitude of some of the youngsters. If it were me, I would have laughed and made another mate. Go figure. Yes it was bad form but it was not done deliberately. G
  5. Binned mine and run a tube. Happy days. Funny how it was fine for years and then gave up, could not be a***d with trying to seal it again hence the tube. Got a new Gas Gas with with the two piece spokes now, so thats good news.
  6. I suffered for years with tennis elbow. I rode enduros and MX so it was a real problem, sometimes I had it in both arms. I eventually tried ARNICA cream and small arnica pills too. Within a couple of weeks of applying it twice a day it had virtually cleared up. Now when ever it flares up I hit the arnica and away it goes. It's the active ingredient in the main US magic cure for tennis elbow. In the UK it is mainly used for bruises. http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=arnica+cream&client=safari&rls=en&prmd=ivns&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=sNGmVMWABsfD7gb6s4DYDg&ved=0CBIQsxg Most chemists have it and it's cheap.
  7. Hi, checked the front sprocket and its a 10T as suggested. Last time out I rode it ok and came home 4th in clubman so I am still going in the right direction. I may actually try fitting the 11T sprocket that is in the spares bag and see if that smooths it out a little. Really starting to love the bike. Next stop is the Berko club Frostbite trial on Sunday. Fingers crossed.
  8. Ok, back out on the bike at Bayford Wood trial. In a word.... fantastic improvement. I could much easier judge the new configuration with the flywheel weight in the conditions today. It was a very sippery trial again however today I could tell the difference being made by the weight, it has mellowed the motor and made it much more tractable for me. So I am well pleased. I have been thinking alot about the comments being made on here with respect to riding the rear wheel and body position and I made a real effort to change things up and ride a little different and again this has really helped. Yes it's much more sensitive to rider input than my old Scorpa, however now I am coming to terms with it I think I am going to get better and better on it. For the first time since the wet weather has come along I really am starting to enjoy riding this bike. A set of bar risers will probably be the next mod just to unload the front a little. Wahey, a bike I can enjoy once more. Dunno how the results will look but either way, I know I am riding it much better. Apart from two stupid fives due to stalling twice dropping in to a gully. Nowt to do with the bike, just me being a ****!!! Thanks for all the advice chaps. I'm doing the Turkey Trot at Braintree next weekend so lets hope the improvements continue.
  9. Your KTM will have a solid disk so no movement. The CBR will have only a tiny amount of movement which you will not feel. The Gas Gas disks move alot. As said, it's normal. Its called a floating disk.
  10. Interesting, mine is the "racing" model so thats probably worse, lol. I would have thought fitting a smaller front sprocket would make it even more firery. No?
  11. 7th from 17 in clubman. Could have been worse. Still not happy with that, but it was a mad event. No ride this weekend as I am off to the world darts at Butlins minehead to get smashed for three days then back on the bike the weekend after. If you guys dont mind Ill keep this thread going to record my progress or otherwise on the Gasser. Cant help feeling I have done a wrongun buying this bike, maybe should have been a Beta 200 or similar. I guess thats the problem with impulse purchases. Saw it, liked it, bought it. Oh, BTW, the map switch set to wet. my belief is that it only drops the max revs and not much else. I am happy to be corrected. Surprised by the sprocket wear on this bike, my 05 scorpa still on its originals, this bike has visible wear on rear already, only about ten rides on it. Probably the abrasive nature of the ground on Sunday. I guess the grade of ally used has much to do with it, everything on the Scorpa lasted for ever, I could not break it. It looks like I threw it off the top of Everest but nothing ever wore out of broke, quality bit of kit. Just heavy.
  12. Errr. Im not a beginner. I was a center expert in the eighties but then stopped riding when the monos came out and I could not afford one, then rode MX and Enduros to quite a high standard (expert) and then started riding trials again on 05. I'm just struggling on this bike.
  13. Hi, thanks for asking. OMG, what a trial that was. p****d down the whole event and it got worse and worse as the laps went on. Bikes and bodies everywhere. I had a ball but did get a little cold towards the end, p****d wet through and waiting in long queues. On the bike front I think its better but to be honest conditions were so bad it was hard to say. The motor did seem to be a lot softer so I think it will be better for me but until I ride it again in more familar conditions I cant say for sure. I think the slowthrottle may have to go, when I had to wind it on full on the big climbs I was having to make a real effort to get it right open. Watch this space....
  14. LOL, yeah I lent my last nice Blue Point one to my bud Woody at Great Brickhill a while back. He had just changed his rear tyre and had 65 in it to seat it. Blew the ****** up! Never did replace it either.... Nigel, gentle on the throttle? Thats probably half my problem, never had to be too gentle with the old Scorpa. If I could have that motor in this chassis I would be so happy! Thanks for all the advice, lets see what happens. Glenn
  15. S3 flywheel fitted bike prepped, handlebars moved back tires checked with new guage, Ill see how it goes Sunday and let you know how I get on with the new setup. I did a little work on my old scorpa getting it ready to sell, god it feels like a tank to move about in the workshop. Still got a real soft spot for it though. Got a guy interested in it for 800 so hopefully it will be gone soon. I got one of the Apico tire gauges, 0 to 15 pounds jobbie. Lovely bit of kit for 14 qiud. Roll on Sunday.
  16. Just looked it up and yeah, thats him, used to work for Wiggo. Cool,
  17. Hi, Glenn Howard. I live in Hemel. Richard Allen? Would this be the same Richard Allen I used to ride with back in the day?
  18. I am riding the Kenton & Kings event near Essendon Sunday.
  19. Hi Steve, and all. I also ride in the Southmidland center as a menber of Berco. I was a center expert in the eighties riding with Martin Greeves and Julian Wigg etc. I do know Chris. I didn't ride trials again untill 05 when I backed off racing enduro, I was south midland expert champ in enduro. So I am no mug on a bike which is why I am so baffled by my inability to ride this thing. I was ok on my scorpa even with it's crap suspension. I did find the sport had completely changed when I started trialing again, from my twinshock days. However I do ok for a 49year old. I was thinking the otherday that maybe I need to go back to basics so a coaching session is probably a good idea. Oh and I am 6'2" and a heafty 15stone7 The bike is TXTR 250 2013. Still on its original `X11 tyre. Bike was as new with three club trials on when I picked it up so it was an as new bike. The rear tyre is still very nice. The bars are along way forward which is comfy for me but I am going to set them back to a more standard position too. How can I get hold of Chris for a training session? Many thanks to you all.
  20. Something to note. If you doing the swap with the forks in the bike then make sure the top tripple clamp bolts are slack or it can stop the fork cap undoing.
  21. Looks like she will be fine with the power! Trials bikes are lazy compared to MX and enduro weapons. Positively snail like.
  22. OK, thanks for all your input. I have had a poke around the tinterweb and spoke to JohnLee Motorcycles and decided to go for a flywheel weight as my first option. And got a new lowpressure gauge for the tires. I will pop it on and see how i go on Sunday. Cant get any worse! Maybe it's just me getting old.
  23. Hmm. Not what I wanted to hear. This bike is a minter and I would love to sort the problem rather than just punt it. Any more input? I may take my Scorpa and the gas gas to this sundays trial and ride em back to back. See what happens and compare lap score.
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