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I looked closely at some of the photos on the web of these bikes and many have a tie wrap loosely dangling from the right frame down tube I'm guessing for the purpose of holding the foot peg out of the way. I'll do something similar like Graham suggested when the time comes. For now, she's finished waiting for spring. With any luck that should happen by mid to late April here. Till then I have a friend with a vinyl cutter that says she can do a decent job of making side panel decals for me. In the correct double green with black logo. (the red and blue looks very out of place now that the frame is green rather than the previous white) So the bike will look pretty good until the first time I drop it. Thanks again to all of you for the help! Relic
Thanks Larry! Now the wheels are on; had to do some fiddling with the front brake cable and it's return spring. The spring was so long that it was "coil bound" before the brake was fully activated. Careful work with the disc cutter to remove a few coils without touching the inner cable and now all is well. Also found the inner throttle cable was down to only a few strands inside the twist grip housing so I made up a new inner. Today, I've sorted the wiring although not as original. There was no horn, nor stop lamp switch with the bike and I see no need for them for my intended purpose so I've fitted a handle bar switch that incorporates headlamp off/high/low and push kill switch. All the bulbs were bad and I'm trying a 12 volt headlamp bulb with 6 volt tail and pilot bulbs. My theory being that the 12 volt bulb (while not being very bright) will help prevent the system from over powering. And I don't plan on being out after dark. My only reason for fitting the lighting at all is that I like the looks. I was kicking the bike today checking spark, (confirming my wiring and the aftermarket kill switch was all in order) and that has me wondering what you do about the right footrest, kick lever interference? The footrests are sprung to stay down. For my test kicks today I bungee'd the footrest up but there must be a better way of dealing with this issue? Thanks for any advice anyone can offer. Relic
Starting to come together...I know the green is too green, not exactly a correct match but it was as close as I could get without paying for scanning and mixing. My aim is to make her reasonably correct in appearance, without spending lots and have some fun riding come spring. Relic
Helpful? Wow! This is great fourex. Thanks very much. This information is going to make things a lot easier, especially when it comes to the wiring. I'll post a progress photo or two when I get a bit more accomplished. thanks! Relic
For interests sake---the "History" section on the Italjet company website is working now. I had no idea they made such a wide variety of motorcycles over the years. Everything from fold up bikes to a 650 twin four stroke. Trikes, mini bikes, two stroke twins...something for everyone! Most of these models must be very rare to find these days. Sort of like Panthers and DR BIGs in Canada...LOL! Relic
So for certain I've got myself a "bitsa" here. Again, thanks fellows for the info and help. I have been to the Swiss site but never the company site. The history page won't load for me either Woody, perhaps it will come back at some point. It would be interesting to see. (everything else on the site works fine) I think I've got a filter worked out that will do the job. I trimmed the flange part of the snorkel down a bit and that fit inside an oval shaped Suzuki atv filter, (oiled foam type) that in turn fits in the airbox. I added a steel wire cage to give the foam filter some support throughout its length. Carb inlet on order. And now I've got to decide how I'll proceed with the appearance. Without sinking a lot of cash into the bike. I'm thinking green frame, black engine, clean the rest up and maybe the correct side panel decals if I can find them. (I did a search that showed they had been available on E-Bay in the UK but not currently listed). Attach the lights and sort out a wiring harness to have them functional. And then go out and have some fun. Relic edit---just found decals in Italy
I found the carb inlet also available in the US from Hugh's but it may be less expensive through Inmotion---when shipping is factored in. Either way I'll order one soon. My first thoughts were to just clean up the bike a bit and ride it but the more I learn about these the more I'm intrigued. A closer look at my "white" frame reveals that it is a repaint (as you folks have said) but must have been chemically stripped. There is absolutely no signs of green even inside the tubes. (I looked with a borescope). But there are a few minute runs in the paint. I also found a "Fantic" logo on the white rear mud guard. But there sure are a lot of variables when looking at pics on the web; white or green mudguards, fork lowers either green or black or silver. One thing I've not found on any of these many, many pics is side panels with red and blue like mine. Note also my green, round headlamp assembly. So now I'm thinking of stripping the frame and painting it green over the winter. Not a restoration but just so it looks relatively correct. I do have another five months of "off" season before riding starts up again... Relic
Yes for certain the carb inlet adapter looks like it would be spot on. I'm not sure about that filter assembly; it would depend if the snorkel is offset? My airbox outlet is very close to one side of the box. I have a friend who is only a few hundred kilometers from here who is into vintage Bultacos so I will send him that info just in case he has a source in Canada. Thanks for all the help, much appreciated! Relic
Super! Thanks again Graham. Two litres is a lot for sure! And thanks as well Woody, I've confirmed that she is a 250. We are well into to winter in my area, (currently minus 11 Celcius and a fair amount of snow) so it will be several months before I get a chance to ride the bike. Over the winter I'll pick away at getting it ready so I'm sure I'll have some more questions. I've ordered a photo copy of the parts manual from a seller on E-bay and I think that will be of some help. So far I recovered the seat as I had a piece of black material on hand. I also sonic cleaned the carb and rinsed the tank before running the motor. And I've been looking at air filter elements that might be fabbed/modified to work in the stock air box. The previous owner(s) had glued a piece of foam to the snorkel and it is deteriorating badly. One piece I'm on the hunt for is the carb adapter. (the tube that joins the carb to the barrel) I found a piece of hydraulic hose in the box of parts with clamp marks on it and I suppose that is what was being used. It is split open but with some duc tape and clamps I was able to put it to use long enough to get the motor running for a short tme. All of the 26mm carb adapters that I've found in catalogues are the flanged type rather than the double ended spigot style that I need. I guess if I can't turn up anything I can always use some sort of hose/tubing but I'd prefer a proper carb adapter designed for the application. Pic showing the taped up carb adapter thanks gentlemen Relic
Thanks for that info Graham. I too am wondering about the colours. Could the bikes exported to Canada have been different? The frame paint appears to be original; there are no signs of green showing through even inside the tube and the white seems to be professionally applied. Its always a mystery with multi owner bikes. But this one doesn't look like any I've seen photos of on the web. Should the engine and frame numbers match? The carb is definitely a 26mm, (stamped and I measured) but neither of the serial numbers have any indication of engine size or build date. I will drain the oil from the gearbox and measure what comes out. I looked for a level plug but never thought of the gold bolt, thanks. I have lots to learn about the bike but I'm looking foward to bringing it back to a reasonable appearence, (not a resto by any means) and have it working good so I can get out and have some fun. I'm hoping to gain some experience and confidence on this bike that will make me a better gravel and trail rider. thanks!
Hello all, new to the forum and new to trials; I've just acquired a 250T and have a couple of questions. I've little info on the bike but it seems nearly complete and I've had it running long enough to satisfy myself that it is worthy of further time and expense. I hope someone here can tell me how much oil the gearbox should take? Before trying to start the bike I made sure there was some in it but I don't see any way to know the amount, (no dipstick or sight glass) so I'm guessing that it should be drained and filled with the specified amount. Second query- the bike came with a box of parts, (don't they always?) and in there is the headlamp and tail lamp assemblies and some of the wiring harness. I realize the lighting will be pretty much useless but never the less I'd like to install it and have the bike looking somewhat original. Does anyone have a wiring diagram for these bikes? And what was used to regulate the stator output? thanks for any assistance, Relic PS- I'm new to trials but not to vintage bikes. Long time member of the CVMG. Got the sickness bad...I even own a Panther! LOL