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Everything posted by richfr
  1. richfr

    IMG 0531

    From the album: Rev3 2004

  2. richfr

    IMG 0527

    From the album: Rev3 2004

  3. Hi Dan yeah I cleaned all the glue sure that's not the problem. Its not a big problem if you remember
  4. When first started (and if slightly warm after 30min coffee stop) it will drag a tiny amount when you first set off and the very first time you stop it will drag. The garden gate came off the hinges last time I forgot :wall: I think it had ATF in when I got it but I now have GP10 75W. I have tied the clutch leaver in when stood hopefully make a difference.
  5. richfr

    Leaky Carb

    I would try and borrow a compressor or find somebody with one that you can use when I did mine a big lump of muck came out of one of the air passages without a compressor I doubt it would have come out.
  6. Look at the top of this thread it pinned but it hasn't completely stopped mine.
  7. richfr

    Leaky Carb

    As said strip it and give it a good clean out preferably with compressed air then do a couple of easy setup/carb mods to it. If you Pm me your email address I can email you a pdf on how to do the mods and plenty of info on here too. There is a guide on youtube on how to strip and clean the carb if you haven't done it before its for a ski doo I think but virtually the same carb.
  8. The center section can be burned off as the only way to open it is to cut then re weld (if its the same as a Rev3). I used a blow lamp hang it upright when it is hot enough it will burn the oil off on its own but do it outside and preferably without anybody around. Mine burned for over an hour I just had to apply a little more heat from time to time. It weighs about half what it did. I also did the front pipe but wasn't much in that but the carbon fell off easily after getting it hot.
  9. I have just done both of mine very hard bearing to find, local bearing specialists couldn't get me one. I got them from Splat cheaper than Beta http://www.splatshop.co.uk/ohlins-rear-shocker-bearing-large.html £22.90 each. This one has an Ohlins number on it but I didn't keep a note. Have you got the bolt out? Mine was a pain to move a friend heated it up for me in the end
  10. Hi pobear & Mike this is getting serious now almost a club have to get a towbar and bike rack now so I can come alone (fall off) with you lot. Just got to get the bike back together when I can find some time. Always the same loads of time when I was looking for a bike and now I have it am really busy.
  11. I got the bike. Was in a village at night so difficult trying it. Exhaust needs a repack and a good clean and service. Clutch was dragging when cold so will pull it out and clean basket and plates when I do the oil. Got it in the car ok (but gassed out all the way home) just have to get it out on my own
  12. Am going tonight for a look but hopefully its ok
  13. Am going to go look at it tomorrow night the paperwork has arrived. If it looks ok and I can get it in the back of a 307sw I will get it
  14. That's a good idea. You would think the insurance companies would set up a online database so you could just enter the Vin and it would tell you if it had been reported stolen.
  15. Glad you got it back If I was sure it was my bike I would have gone with a few people and held on to it until the Police had been. If you ring them saying you have had your bike stolen and you have the person and the bike in front of you am sure they would respond. Just don't tell them when it was stolen until they respond and am sure the other guy would want the police if he didn't steal it with a few angry looking blokes at his door. Any way you can check just a Vin number? register or something?
  16. Thanks the info guys really appreciate it. He has said I can go buy the bike but the Grey card (V5) hasn't arrived yet and its up to me if I want to buy without it as he has other people lined up Told him I can see it the day/evening it arrives but not before not worth the risk.
  17. Thanks for the help guys. Have asked to see it Wed afternoon just waiting for a reply.
  18. Hi Col thanks for the offer will take you up on that. I live just south of carhaix so not far away. Hopefully go see that beta we'd afternoon just waiting to hear back. It's near Nantes so bit of a drive. Thanks again.
  19. I am thinking of getting this Beta as my first bike. Its a 2004 250 Rev3 said it was serviced in April 14 but not used due to an injury. Its also had a new water pump. Road registered Asking €1400 (about £1100) Can anybody see anything obvious from the photos? apart from the normal things anything I need to look for? Hopefully go see it Wednesday afternoon but its a bit of a trek. Thanks for the help
  20. Not the best year then. They are a little more expensive here and generally not as we'll looked after. I have seen a couple of 04-05 Beta rev3 for not much more money but think they have sold. Maybe worth waiting for a newer bike. Thanks for the help.
  21. Hi I am new to trials and live in France and would appreciate any feedback on this bike. http://www.leboncoin.fr/motos/752291998.htm?ca=6_s Its a 2002 250TXT Pro (that's what the ad says) he said gearbox oil done 5hrs ago and has new fork seals. Rear sprocket is slightly worn and the exhaust has a patch on it from contact with the rear tyre. Is that common? Couple of extra pics here http://s24.photobucket.com/user/rbaz/library/TXT250 I know to check the gearbox 3-4th when I try it and I will need to service it but anything else you can spot from the pics or I should look at? Many thanks Rich
  22. I would have PM'd you but it said I cant Here is a link to a line test. You will need the address of the house but the phone number isn't essential. http://www.degrouptest.com/ This is a estate agent based in Huelgoat http://mayer-immobilier.com/ I know they shift a fair few properties. She is French but speaks good English and I think the website is fairly good/up to date. Also look on Leboncoin http://www.leboncoin.fr/ventes_immobilieres/offres/bretagne/?f=a&th=1 Rich
  23. Yeah will send you it tomorrow on my phone now. Can you live with 2meg? Callac is full of English but some nice places around it. Have you looked in Huelgoat? Nice place and perfect scenery for trials. Will send you a link to an estate agent. Orange are France Telecom (French BT) so that's as good a connection you can get without satellite but that has it's own problems.
  24. I am not far from Rostrenen. In big towns internet is good 4-8meg small towns 2-4 and most of the countryside now has 1-2 meg but I still have a few customers on dial up lol and not always in remote places. I am 3.5k out of a town and I get 3-4 meg. Have you found a test site to check the speed?
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