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Everything posted by arthritic
  1. arthritic

    Beta plastics

    Original fender often breaks in the wrong place to then fit the Bosi kit. At least in two cases that I've known.
  2. Has anyone done any big rocks on it? The Mecatecno T14 was great for 6-8 yr olds (once the forks were changed), but as soon as the kids started hitting bigger steps and drops, the rear shock mountings gave way. Had to weld in extra plate to strengthen it.
  3. Happened to us when two events combined. That is, a faulty carb. float needle combined with the petrol tap being left on overnight. Fuel seeped into the crankcase causing immediate high revs when it started.
  4. A day at Trials Day will be worth 6 months of practicing by yourself. I've no link with the business but spent half a day there as an Xmas gift and it was a great confidence booster for a beginner. https://www.trials-school.co.uk/
  5. I've just replaced float, valve and clip with a new inline filter on an old Beta, all for £40, and its solved the problem.
  6. Newer Evos have the spring between the rear pads. Only benefit I can see is that its easier when putting the wheel back in.
  7. I remove the chain before washing the bike, drop it in a container of old engine oil, with a couple of stirs around, for a day or so. Hang it up to drain for 24 hrs and wipe clean, then fit it when the rest of the bike has been prepped. Not keen on WD40 spray anywhere near the rear end and the brake disc.
  8. First time stripping a Keihin needs care when removing and refitting the float bowl. The description below comes from Splatshop's website. Remove the float bowl, turn the carburettor upside down, remove the 2 securing screws and then gently pick the float bowl up from the back right hand side first (as you are looking down at the carb in the upside down position). You need to lift this corner up by about 5mm with the carb upside down, then the float bowl should gently come right off, be warned it isn’t easy till you’ve got the hang of it and don’t force it as you will bend the floats or the overflow pipe.
  9. Sorry, both Beta 80's gone now as we've moved up the classes. It did take me several attempts but it does fit.
  10. I used this one https://www.trialsuk.co.uk/Beta-Fuel-Tap---EVO80REV80REV50---Lever-Style?search=beta fuel tap on both the medium and standard wheel 80. It could only be in one position to operate and I just used fibre washers so that it was tight at that position. Definitely a worthwhile mod.
  11. I would use at least 70:1 on the 80cc, those small engines soon show the effect of a clogged up exhaust and you see many with oil dripping out of the end can.
  12. Definitely thinking along the right lines with Beta 250 (standard is good enough) and Beta 80 junior and price estimate is right. Just be patient and maybe put out a few wanted posts on Facebook, Beta page for example.
  13. I use Craghopper waterproof trousers,just wear a pair of boxers underneath, they have a heavyweight (winter) and lightweight version and even in hot weather I haven't been too uncomfortable. So for a road trial I would expect them to be spot on. Good quality breathable walking gear seems to be far better and better priced than any of the trials gear on offer..
  14. I'd first check the mixture screw spring, washer and rubber are all there and in the right order.
  15. Protection should be left to the rider, not legislated. As long as the regs. make this clear for insurance/claims purposes.
  16. Never come across this before. Modern or Classic bikes? Where are these type of events run and at what level are the sections?
  17. I would suggest mothballing the lovely Bultaco, get yourself a Beta 250 or similar clubman bike. Then after a year a so, when you've got the hang of it, go back to the Bultaco and really enjoy the sport.
  18. I believe the Oset lanyard switches work the other way.
  19. Yes £2500 is top end, would have to had little use. But could be worth it. They attract the Christmas period sales, usually the new ones come out late November for that reason, however last year they didn't come until March and there were quite a few secondhand ones available at that time. Maybe worth checking with a Beta dealer when the new ones are due this year.
  20. First thing is to state that at that age they outgrow the bikes at about the same rate as their boots. Having owned both types of bike I would expect your suggestion to be an expensive route, swinging arm, suspension and brake calipers are all different. The good thing is that both 80 models hold their prices well so buying and selling a year later doesn't usually cost you a lot.
  21. Try Paul Nash Motorcycles, Chelmsford. 07973 358408, He bought most of the spares from Caroline. Mecatecno have not provided any service, in my opinion, since one of their key background men sadly passed away.
  22. Not sure if all EMs use the Megura throttle, but the one I studied did, We had the same throttle on the grandson's Mecatecno T14 and I always kept a spare, as when dropped, especially in water, we had problems at the next event. Its just a 5k ohm potentiometer. You can check it with a multimeter by Googling 5k ohm potentiometer test.
  23. This happened to me when the float needle wasn't located on the float arm correctly. i.e. not in the groove on the needle.
  24. Enter, ride round, watch and if you fancy doing a section have a go. Its still a cheap day out on the bike and you'll meet new friends. To clarify, "ride round", as in round the course, not "ride around" which suggests ride anywhere.
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