See the latest entry list for the M-ECVC LDT 9th October. A right mix of bikes, some have the opinion "the stranger the bike the more fun in finishing and don't worry about the points". Still entries available, details in the Calendar section of Trials Central.
On a Beta 80 Jnr I only allowed him to use 2nd in practice sessions, and plenty of figures of eight. Problem now is that he won't use 1st even when its the best option.
I found that no matter what I had protection wise, the hits always went between them. Now at 67, I ride with no protection and just take the bruises.
I believe Kuberg use brushless motors, but I haven't seen any of their trials versions in competition. Maybe worth finding an owner for comment.
Only problem we had with ours was flooding. The carb. is already at a large angle and it only needs the bike to be off the vertical a bit for the float needle to not work. We learnt to turn the petrol tap off whenever we stopped or even paused for a look at a section. This was despite putting a new float needle in. One evening I put the bike away with the petrol tap on and a couple of days later the whole crankcase and exhaust was full of petrol.
We gave up looking and finally ordered a new one a month ago, which isn't expected until November.
We've had the Jnr for 18 mths now in rocky environment but not had this problem. Could it be the technique over bigger steps i.e. hitting them with a full wheelie instead of front wheel first, with double blip?
I would buy new rather than cost of rewind. First magnet failure we had cost me £160 at local motor place and they estimated over £300 if a rewind needed and no guarantee, luckily it wasn't.. That's why I did everything myself afterwards. Water is a problem, even if you fit a seal on the motor shaft it soon leaks so I ignored it and just dried things out whenever the motor was opened to fit new drive side bearing. My motors where on a Mecatecno T14 but very similar.
I've repaired 4 now with https://www.permabond.co.uk/product-page/permabond-ta437-1-x-50ml-resin-1-x-20ml-initiator-41#!
None of the repaired ones have failed, its always been the originals. Keep your fingers out of the way when you put the windings back in the outer case.
I use the fuel additive, Lucas Oil 10576 Safe Guard Ethanol Fuel Treatment, 473 ml , does it work?, I don't know but the cost is negligible and I havn't got any noticeable problems.
Long Distance Trials always an option as well. A couple of Bultacos regularly ride ours, sections even easier and a good day out with bikes. https://www.mecvc.org.uk/
A 1968 Bultaco photographed in 1970 with no mods. I think its a model 49 variant.
I've only had 50% success with rebuilding master cylinders. If its 9 yrs old I would fit a new one.
Just a thought. Doga will only supply Beta with one type of 48v 1350w motor. If they wanted to help they could easily find the part number. This was the problem I had with them, delaying tactics because the volume is small.
Simple answer, no, unless they are upside down. Check float and float needle. However, if budget allows, a new carb. eliminates a lot of problem searching on older bikes, at least you then know that area is right.
Its the same motor that's fitted to the Mecatecno T14 and the new TRS, I think. My grandson has had a T14 for 3 to 4 years now with minimal support from Mecatecno and certainly no help from Doga. I've learnt to solve the problems myself which vary from simple bearings, to magnets coming unstuck from the casing. In one case that resulted in damaged windings. If you remove the drive side casing of the motor you'll be able to see if its a displaced magnet and also check that bearing. Paul Nash in UK may still have contact with Mecatecno, 07973 358408, 01621743443, he took over the dealership a couple of years ago, he may even have some parts or damaged motors. I got a damaged motor from him last year and managed to combine parts with one I had and that's still running a good 9 months later. A TRS dealer may also be able to help.
Had to use Carnets when I was taking samples of goods, not bike related, into North Spain in the late 1980's. Not a big deal and certainly nothing to worry about, just an official list.
24R batteries won't last long enough. I've seen several youngsters try to move up to Adult trials on them and they always have to double up on the sections to complete the course.
As an Organiser, pre-pay should stay, and I hope we can keep it that way. A little effort and commitment from the rider to plan ahead a few days and the Organiser's job, including getting the results done quicker, is so much easier.
I think jonboy883 has got it right. Our club has a good website and facebook page but its the Facebook page that gets most of the hits and 60% of the hits to the website comes from the Facebook links. Websites are good for somethings probably not for general chat.
I've just fitted fibre plates in a Bultaco to replace the all metal plates. It took at least 6 strip downs to get the pressure just right to kick when cold but keep the clutch as light as possible. .At the moment no slip when cold starting and clutch is ok for one finger. BUT I'm expecting it to change and need regular attention.
Don't give up on the old ones. Have a read of the Oset manual about balancing them, it does make a difference and you'll be able to use them as a an extra set.
All I can say is that its tight. Just undone a 6 month old Beta 80 swnging arm to grease and it took all my strength with a 9 inch wrench. Tightened it with the same effort. Hope that helps. Doubt if its critical.