On the Grandson's I take the bottom off the carb before every trial. Slightest bit of water in there and they don't like it.
If its thought that there's no problem, ask it to be done as part of the sale contract by the seller.
Great bike but some small things. Fit a mud flap it helps a big way for cleaning exhaust / rad., Carb overflow tubes too long for deep water cut back and reposition, ours had air lock in cooling system, luckily I was checking it every time out and noticed it, took 150 cc of coolant but all well now. I backed off rear shock pre-load completely. Small carb. needs checking for water after every ride. Screw type fuel tap needs opening tight to its stop, we had it vibrate towards closed causing reduced flow and a stop after a full throttle section, a couple of times until we realised. All in all the list is nothing but may help with a new bike.
We bought a 12 yr old Beta 50 with cable clutch and 4 gears for playing around on, 12 months before he was due to move away from electric. Now on a Beta 80 medium wheel and almost no set back. Every child that I've seen go from an auto / electric to a clutch has ben set back a few months so be patient.
Even the kids that have been riding Electrics for 3 years go backwards 3 months when they convert to petrol and clutch etc. The Beta 80 big wheel is the right bike, just let him get used to it on a flat grass field with flags. i.e. slow work, figures of eight, slipping clutch in second gear tight turns etc more importantly let him have a blast around every 10 mins, not only clears the engine out but they enjoy a break.
So can you stop with a foot down? It only says five for going backwards with a foot down!
Not sure what your local regs. are but ACU trials regs. require brakes to be independent
Happened on our Mecatecno T14 as well. However Threadlok and a new shakeproof lock washer seems to have solved it. Its still something I now check after every trial.
Next time try a trickle of water from a hosepipe on the outside to control the heat so its just burning, you can clear the insides without it affecting the outside. Do it once a year and its a simple task that's worth the effort.
Beta 250 2T, it'll be soft enough for a beginner and it'll have enough to move up to top Clubman level
Its about time. Japanese manufacturers, not bike specific, have been using common suppliers for years. They work together for mutual benefits.
Hi Johnny, Don't delay any longer. I was 43 years away from the game, came back on a Beta 250 after taking advice, now gone for my original twinshock make from the 70's and loving it
You've got the right bike for the introduction task. I did it after a 43 year lay off. The 250 Beta was gentle but ample.
Got to be immaculate for that price. I paid £2100 for a 2011 in good condition almost 4 yrs ago. I'll be selling it this year, not as good looking but fully maintained, for around £1700.
Had electric, Oset and Mecatecno, lead acid and lithiums, for two and half years now competing almost ever weekend. Battery makes no difference to power coming in almost instantly. You can help the rider by messing about with power settings etc. but when they start doing bigger stuff they need it on maximum for half the event. Even with that the better riders still do better.
We've learnt that for tight slow work, hold a steady low throttle and use the back brake to control the output, basically using the brake as a clutch. As for bringing the power on slowly for a big climb or similar in wet conditions, we haven't found a method, the petrol bikes win every time here, the direct drive electrics just spin up and have to be ridden as fast as a section will allow to have a chance.
I'd strongly recommend getting your son started first on an electric bike, if you are in the UK there's events most weekends throughout the country. After a year or so he'll be able to do beginners adult trials and maybe more and then you can join him. At 62 yrs old, did the same with my Grandson and we are having a great time.
Lanyards are an ACU requirement for all youths, and I've seen some close calls with the little'uns where I'm sure they've saved injuries.
Not aware of any practice days except training as advertised at the trial schools, but:
Oset NE Centre Rounds have three courses and the easiest course is set for beginners and Oset 12.5's, the kids just ride its the parents that get competitive.
The Middle England rounds have only two courses and the easy one is aimed at Oset 16's with some experience, however for every round we always put on Facebook that if an Oset 12.5 or absolute beginner is coming then let us know and we'll set up an easier route, but it wouldn't be counted towards the Series trophies. This only happened because at the start we didn't have any in that class, hopefully we will next year.
For the individual Club Conducted, I'm sure that if you contacted the Organiser before the ride indicating there's a beginner coming then the Conducted Course setter would accommodate you. After all, at this level we just want as many kids getting involved and enjoying it based on the fact many drop out when they find beer and other adult pursuits.
For bigpie, There's 2 series on the go this year, the Oset N.E. Centre series just had its 3rd round of 6 (best 5 results to count to awards at end of season), then there's the Middle England series, 2nd round of 5 being held 28th May, (best 4 results to count towards end of season), you can join in anytime, main thing is getting him competing regularly. Then there are the club events not linked to any series but open to anyone with ACU licence. More info. is usually put on Facebook, the North East Centre Motorcycle Trials page closer to each event.
Any N.E. ACU club will be ok as events are all open. Middle England run a 5 round conducted series separate to the Centre's 6 round series, 2nd round is on the 28th May. In addition, as in previous post, most clubs will allow a non-series Conducted to be held if venue suitable for the little'uns. Plenty going on, the problem is once you start is getting a ride for yourself without upsetting your son when he has to miss out.
Had similar, easy course but found some pointed rocks and therefore A&E. Wife insisted I get body protection as she's benefited from it with horses, so no argument.
Researched and finally invested in Forcefield Pro Shirt X-V, expensive but surprisingly comfortable. It obviously works as I haven't had a fall in six months.
My advice after starting again last year at 61 yrs. old, after 43 off the trials bike, is don't worry about practice. Just go for it, there are rides in the north almost every week with an hours travel. Next Cumbria ride, Round 2, is on Easter Saturday, the easy course at the last one, 21st Feb, was perfect for beginners and old uns.
Why not try http://www.trials-school.co.uk/.
I had a half day with Stu last year and it was brilliant.
Thanks Dadof2, that'll do me fine.
Anyone know if the National, Alan Trophy Trial is any good for watching? Two 9 mile laps of fell and farm land but are any sections accessible to spectators?