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  1. The clutch since I put the new 06 cover on has been great, no more disappearing clutch overnight! most annoying though since there appeared to precious little wear on the post that the o rings fit upon, it was just like the o rings were incorrect size, I had tried o rings from an agricultural dealer before biting the bullet for a new cover, they lasted better than the Gas Gas o rings but swelled within couple of weeks & made the clutch quite heavy due to being a gnats to thick. It may be possible if I looked hard enough & in the right place to get some coated o rings for air conditioning or something like that, but i getting was fed up of taking the damn thing to pieces.
  2. I had this problem with my 02 280,I tried new o rings from Gas gas (fitted with surgical cleanliness)but within a short period it was just the same as before.So I tried some more, but noticed the o rings were thinner than the originals,Gasgas Uk said they had been changed for an o ring that was also used on the newer model,but should work ok & be fine.So I tried this newer pair, clutch was just the same.The only way I got around the problem was to fit a new clutch cover for an 06 model.That did cure the problem. hope this helps
  3. Grantham pegasus http://www.pegasusmotorcycleclub.co.uk/
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