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Everything posted by helicoptermanr22
  1. Ive gone for the Mitani Carbon as the fit is superb. Ordered from Hand D racing. Great service and would recommend Mitani Sidestand is a must and loads of S3 goodies on the bars for some extra bling
  2. I have both forks leak almost at the same time after 4 hours use. Blazeys were superb and replaced the fork sliders (black bit) and seals and all was good again. they said there was a few issues on the tech forks.. Now have a 16 bike so lets see what happens. done 10 hours and all good so far!
  3. does anyone know when this is available?
  4. future trials parts supplied by H and D racing as said above!!
  5. Hmmm, this could be fun. When are they available in the UK?
  6. H Ha Brilliant. Love it.. My 4RT is a great bike I have to say. the 300 RR looks awesome but interesting that they have chosen the Red n Black colouration standard 4RT stylee.. as mine is slowly being run in its really doing everything that I wanted it too. suspension is sooo good. Yes Ive put loads of bling on it S3 master and brake cyliner covers and lever adjustment screws S3 bar end covers MitanI side stand which totally converts it and makes it much more secure when standing up in the woods etc (thanks for the recommendation on here) Alloy water pump protector rear linkage protector better foot pegs (same as 300rr) JT7 fork covers Carbon side engine guard Carbon exhaust cover CSP bar riser CSP sprocket case saver. Love riding it and so torquey that tbh I cant really justify a reason for me going for the repsol (not so keen ref orange wheels.. Girly I know!
  7. Hmmmm. what are the lowest prices for a 2015 Repsol coming in at as I could,be interested?
  8. helicoptermanr22


    RR 300 is priced around 12k so ive heard.. ouch
  9. Two days to go...loving my 2015 4RT. its been really great to ride but interested to see what this one is about or the 2016 Repsol in detail is like. so far ive only seen pics of the 2015 model
  10. its completely normal. mine comes on every minute or so
  11. I think Manufacturers have peaked when it comes to losing weight and tech. you can realistically take the next step and bung in loads of Carbon and Titanium really. but it just would be unaffordable to 80% of new buyers. Ive spent a grand on my new 4RT and it hasn't made it any lighter or a better ride, just a more of a bling ride. I will look at the 16 model which I have been told are Frame changes and Lighter engine from a dealership. Have a look at a 08 to 15 beta. is it really so different and much lighter that its earlier counterparts? All you seem to get is a roundabout of upgrades. this year you have tech fork. next year you have showa. after that it will be tech again..etc etc
  12. Hi there, Ive a standard 4rt also and had some really helpful tips on how to better it etc etc. The light Alloy Mitani sidestand is a must.. soooo much better and a front case sprocker protector thing..waterpump protector.. S3 do loads of handlebar bits. check em out http://www.zonetrial.com/for some really great prices.. Complete rear mudguard n graphics .. less than 100 squids.. (bought as a spare) Ive just put loads of carbon goodies on mine really just to bling it up
  13. Reeeealy>> that's interesting, Im likely gonna put a set on me 4RT as comes with the dunlops as standard, dont rate the front at all but would consider the Michelin if they are worth the extra...
  14. Ooooh yeh.. done probably 5-6 hours on it now.. very quiet n torquey.. love it and definitely made the right purchase.. all the bling on it now so looking forward to heading out even more>>
  15. Very Nice Chris.. that's the fun part. Like a big meccano set. I'm sure you sank a few tinnies and extended the build process to savour the moment!! I t was such a close one between the 4rt and Repsol. My riding skills didnt warrant a repsol so ordered a new 4RT which arrived last week and I love it.. done 5 hours on it now, very responsive. Quiet and really torquey!!
  16. first trials after 20 years. It was bloody scary all them people watching me and was a disaster!! but great fun
  17. Some really great pictures there. this was my fantastic 315. loved it
  18. and some more, Basically a Repsol in Red n Black with a **** load more bling!! Hope the Monty lovers find the pics usefull
  19. Some goodies bolted up. JT7 Carbon Fork covers. S3 brake n clutch bling.( Carbon silencer and header pipe cover .Also ally waterpump protector cover from Banyeres not arrived yet). CSP casing protector. Mitani Ally stand (still to go on) Carbon Frame guards. silicon pipes n stuff...
  20. Picked up me new beast on Friday as really pleased.. had a sneaky little play on the way home for Cornwall>> Love It. And went a bit mad getting some bolt on goodies.some of which haven't arrived yet.
  21. Ha Ha. yes as Ive just found out!! thank you for helping me empty my pockets!!
  22. Really enjoyed that, Brilliant!!
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