I too have a 2013 ST300. I am new to Trials so I have a bunch to learn. I did some winter maintenance on the bike that entailed removing the carb. The bike ran fine prior to my work. I put everything back together and when I got to re-attaching the fuel lines I became confused. I eventually got the job done and the bike started and ran fine. I am trying to learn the basics of controlling a wheelie. The technique I am using is to lift the front wheel while keeping both feet on the ground to learn clutch modulation and throttle control. Now (after my reassembly), with the front tire in the air, the bike wants (and does) stall out and fuel was leaking from somewhere. Today I went to work on the bike to troubleshoot this problem and found the gas leaking from the "T" in the fuel lines. This explanation would be simpler if I would include some pictures but unfortunately I do not know how to do that- I am humbly sorry! The "T" is located on the line that comes out the top of the Dellorto pumper. This would be my first question: 1. Is the Dellorto part the pumper? My carb is a PWK Keihin. 2. Is this combination of Dellorto and Keihin the stock setup? Assuming, for now, that the Dellorto part is a pumper, I just do not understand the workings of the pumper carb. The pumper has three ports. Looking at the assembly as it is mounted to the fuel tank while on the bike, the bottom left is marked with an arrow and the word "In". The hose to this port comes from the petcock. The top port goes to the "T" and is marked with an arrow and the word "Out". At the "T" one hose runs to the top of the fuel tank and the other hose is connected to an in-line filter that goes to the carb. The last port is also located on the left side just higher than the "In" port but this third port has no markings. The line from here is connected to the left side of the carb bowl. I had the carb apart but at this point I do not remember if this bowl connection was open or shut. So, 3. I am asking for help in an explanation of the function of each of the three ports and how the pumper system works. I am heading back out to the barn to see if there is an obvious reason why the fuel was leaking from the "T". I hope the write-up makes sense! All help will be appreciated,Thanks, Chuck