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Everything posted by ritchic
  1. ritchic

    Montesa 242

    Hi I'm in need of gearbox for a 242 or just an output shaft. Can anybody tell me if there the same as the 200 as I've found 1 of those Cheers
  2. Yeah they aren't air then. Thanks cleanorbust I'll give that a go then. Mind you think I need to sort gearbox out first. Rebuilt it an fine for a while but all of a sudden I can only get neutral and 2nd. I'm hopin this is just the rubbish selector
  3. I'm hoping that as there are so few around that as a few years go by it might make my 242 worth a lot more. That's my hope. And it means I didn't lie when I told the Mrs it was an investment too. I don't think the forks are air. So as for putting preloads packers in. Do I just put underneath the top caps and if so how big should i start
  4. Hi bought myself a 242 few months ago. I'm surprised how little there seem to be around. What's the reasons for this any ideas? Also is there a way of stiffening up front an rear suspension without spending a fortune seem to be bottoming it all out. But I am 17st so not really surprised. Thanks in advance
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