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  1. Well after a final oil change and a full days ride the oil is crystal clear so I think the shaft and seal replacement has done the trick and oil the cruddy oil is flushed out! Happy days!
  2. Well after a final oil change and a full days ride the oil is crystal clear so I think the shaft and seal replacement has done the trick and oil the cruddy oil is flushed out! Happy days!
  3. Ok that's great thanks. First oil went milky. Next change is ever so slightly discoloured so hopefully next change will have it all out. Cheers all for your help and input!
  4. Thanks again Jim, I've got it fitted the correct way for certain then. 2nd question is after water contamination, approx how many oil changes after running to temp each time will it take to stop going milky/cloudy?
  5. Haha zippy, I don't know what I've started! And still no consistent answer! The joy of trials bikes
  6. This is not my pump but is how my seal is fitted. Is this the correct way or wrong way?
  7. Thanks cbutler will try pm'ing him. And biffgasgas that is in contrast with what the gasgas UK tech guy told me, he said open/spring side facing engine. But manual looks more like how you said it should be. Thanks for the fitting tip also! Cheers guys. Most helpful!
  8. Haha cheers for pointing that out, I need to update my bike, it's a 07 txt pro. Yep manual shows open side to water, and I spoke to gasgas and they said opposite so no idea. Shame the Jim snell video got removed! Cheers
  9. I know there will be some residue left in until a few changes but it's just the oil went from crystal clear to custard in a matter seconds like it suddenly leaked. So if the open/spring side should be on water side then it sounds like mines been fitted incorrectly since I got the bike. The last ones did say the seal had just been changed. Can anyone confirm this? Cheers
  10. I was wondering if its on the correct way, i just put it back how i found it after the first leak. Only bought the bike in spring. thanks for video link but thats the old txt, mines a pro so want to b sure. Can anyone confirm which way it goes in? i've put it so the flat face backs onto the impeller (water side) and the hollow/open face faces the engine/ oil side if that makes sense? Also i'd flushed with deisel, then two oil changes prior to running in the hope that most the residue of contaminated oil would be gone, cheers.
  11. Hi, i'm desperate for help, I got water in my gearbox oil so replaced the seal. On inspection the shaft was worn so replaced that to, yet after 15 min running the oil contaminates with water again! the coolant level hasn't seemed to have dropped. Is there anything obvious i'm missing? In fairness I haven't replaced the O ring seal on water pump so don't know if that is letting water in when I ride in the wet/ wash the bike? could this be a cause? I'm running out of ideas now so any help would be great. cheers, Al
  12. Hi mate, where in North West are you. I'm just starting out in trials after a failed attempt last summer... Bikes engine died! Getting new bike this sunday and joined Macc club along with a mate. First trial of the year on the 31St. I'm from Culcheth, Warrington. Also looking for local places to practice around Warrington if anyone knows of anywhere? Cheers, Al
  13. Hi guys, nit spike on here for a while, I had a disaster back in Aug before attempting my first Frodsham trial. I went with a mate for a day out in Llangollen at kynnistons farm (#awesome place) but my engine wburnt the rings and scored the piston and died. Still not managed to find parts to fix it. But next week I'm picking up a 2007 gasgas txt pro 280! So was seeing hoe you are all fixed for riding these days. Where you go etc? I'm looking at joining macc trials club due to variety of terrain and events?!? Happy new year and hope all are well! Cheers. Al
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