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  1. Ive looped out the bank angle sensor, fuel pump and fan is running ok. I guess I need to read up on the throttle stop, sure I've come across a thread on hear on the subject.
  2. First thing I did was take the kill switch off, nothing...not even a pop. There's no spark at the plug. Tried new plug and cleaning earth and connections on coil...nothing. I had done one lap of sections, refilled fuel, couple more sections completed. then stopped to walk a section and would not start...not a pop. Not found anything on a search, I guess they usually don't go wrong much. Is there anything that commonly goes wrong wrong on older bikes? mine is the first 05 model.
  3. cangy1000

    Back kick 200

    How much gearbox oil do you use in these engines? 1350 seems an awful lot of oil for a little engine. I guess it could help the cooling.
  4. I did my 4RT recently. I got it sat on a sturdy stand, if you can strap the bike to the stand all the better. Take lots of pics on your phone as you disassemble. Good luck
  5. cangy1000

    Fantic 200

    Your peg location seems to be what most do. You don’t want to get you peg too far away from your brake leaver, if you use you back brake a lot. Early frames suffered from bad corrosion on some of the gussets, May need replacing. Mine had a broken loop under the engine. Don’t think they need the stearing angle changed imo.
  6. Any advice on removing the top bush in the fork legs on TLR 200?
  7. cangy1000

    Fork Oil

  8. Cheers for that 2stroke4stroke. I remember they do tell you to put the tight coils either top or bottom, didn't realise that was the only reason
  9. They don't have a cap as standard, which came as a surprise to me. I got new O-rings (when I replaced my bearings) as they was totally squashed into the ally ring...to be honest, I didn't realise they were there. Hopefully the new O-rings will do the same job as a cap...not sure yet as the bike has only had a few outings since I've done it.
  10. Can anyone remember which way up they they go off top of your head...or where i can find out?
  11. Thought l’d up-grade to iridium, but compared it to old one it looks different. Have i got the right one? Is the non-threaded bit part pf the seal?
  12. https://www.dellorto.co.uk/shop/dellorto-motorcycle-carburettors-parts/complete-carburettors-dellorto-motorcycle-carburettors-parts/phbh-26-to-30mm/r4168-phbh-26cs-gas-gas/ Surprisingly cheep if its the same as yours...better than messing around with old carbs.
  13. Have you by any chance plugged the lighting exstention into the main loom? I did for MOT. It ran very similar to what you describe.
  14. I got this from a 1978 Motorcycle Machanics. Anyone know for sure what the correct head torque for my FM350 rear kick should be?
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