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dan williams

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  1. dan williams's post in Rev3 Idle Issue was marked as the answer   
    When it runs better with choke it's running lean so either blocked jet/passage, wrong float level, air leak. I've done the carb clean routine and had to redo it because I missed something so my first thought would be to go in again for a full disassembly and compressed air blow out, reset the floats and make sure they aren't fouled by the bowl gasket (trim with X-acto knife if necessary), inspect the air boot carb to intake manifold.
    You can eliminate the air leak hypothesis before you do all that though with a simple test. Get a can of ether starting spray and spray short bursts around the outside of the intake manifold. The engine note shouldn't change. If it does you have an air leak and you'll have to chase it down. Best case is something simple like a split air boot. Worst case is a leaky case gasket.
    Personally my money is on some gunk in the tank getting loose and fouling the carb again. Sometimes there will be machining debris that stays with the parts or the manufacturer puts an anti-corrosion coating on them for storage that can cause this sort of repeated carb issue.
    Oh yeah, fresh batch of fuel too in case you are chasing a bad batch of gas.
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