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Everything posted by scott_king
  1. Hi all I ride a 1989 TY 250R and I am loving the thing. It can still beat all the newer machinery on route C with a reasonable rider. However it
  2. Hi all I read it in a WOR press release a month or so ago. They have not announced any dates yet so we will have to keep an eye out. I only ride time trials (what they are calling sprint trials) and enduros so I will certainly be looking out for exact dates and having a go. Cheers Scott
  3. Hi all There is not going to be a "tough one" until next January. However at selected WOR hare scrambles there is going to be an hour long sprint trial running on a shorter version of the track. So hopefully it will be quite interesting. Cheers Scott
  4. Hi Jamie Your system specification is the bare minimum to run Windows XP. And to be honest as you have found it does not run it very well. When XP came out I read an article in PCFORMAT that the most minimum specification they would run XP on was 1.2 GHz and 512mb of ram. If you do not want to spend a lot of money I would do a reformat and downgrade to 2000 or ME. That
  5. Hi all The standard Beta air filter is a Twin Air OEM part. See: http://www.twinair.com/2004/oem.htm I have only ever used Twin Air filters in my bikes. Even though they are twin walled I have never found them more restrictive than the standard filter and generally last longer as well. Cheers Scott
  6. scott_king


    Hi all Thanks for all the replies. Any chance you can get me the relevant information please Stu. I don
  7. I think it was called Motoracer 3. Never had it but always wanted to try it. Cheers Scott
  8. :agree: I generally struggle to find grip in the wet but when I first rode my bike. Whereas my dad and brother could get on it and find grip easily because they had better balance and throttle control than me. Same as in any other motorbike sport. A good rider can make a cr** bike look good. That
  9. Hi all I have just seen the entry list. Some extremely good riders in there so I think it should be a very close race. Wish I could to go and watch. Taking bets on whose going to win. Odds on favourite David Knight maybe but couldn
  10. Hi all I use Motorex at about 35:1 I think. Haven
  11. Very very nice bike scotty. Have you done any engine mods to it or have you left it standard? Scott
  12. Hi all I have got a feeling its only in the USA. It
  13. Hi all I was just wondering if any one is entering the upcoming speed trial at the WOR Tough One? I am a massive fan of such events to the extent that they are the only events I ride now. Except in my events dabs are counted but the rest of the principle is very similar. First one to cross finish line sets standard time, add extra marks on for every minute that passes this time till everyone has finished. The winner is the guy who has least points once time and dabs have been added together. TBH I have only come across this in the south west so people are probably thinking who is this strange idiot is. I would enter the tough one but I have other commitments. Stupid exams More info can be had at http://www.enduronews.com/tough.htm#trial Also if you see at the bottom WOR are going to continue it at certain events this year. So I am going to try and make as many of those as possible. Should be a good laugh if you are interested in such events. May even take up the MX bike so I can ride on the Saturday and the Sunday Thanks Scott
  14. Hi all This will probably open up a can of worms but I am up for a good argument. After hearing the news that David Knight has won the Last Man standing for the second time in a row with Wayne Braybrook second. I was wondering if he could be considered the best enduro rider at the moment and maybe the best of all. It is clear that Stephan Merriman and the Edmondson brothers are very fast. Hell I would call them extremely fast as well as many others in the WEC but no one seems to be on par with David Knight. To this extent I am now sure that there are a few followers of the GNCC who are a bit worried that Knight will come over and do a whitewash of it all. Providing he can stay uninjured of course. I have also noted from the results that both finishers were British and past youth/adult trials riders. This is also I know true of Tom Sager and many other of our ISDE boys. Maybe it
  15. scott_king


    Hi all I know that the TY350 was sold in the USA. I was wondering if any of the bikes or the barrels has come over to the UK. Cheers Scott
  16. Hi all Technically this should be in a bike specific forum but as it covers two makes I hope you will forgive me. Basic question: Can you get a bigger barrel and piston for either a SY250 or a 315r? I am looking into a newer bike and just wondered if anyone knows if these modifications are possible. Cheers Scott
  17. Thanks for the input guys. I was not involved in bidding for the bike and didn
  18. Yes of course they are I didnt read your thread correctly sorry! You should'nt have to cut anything of the airbox just squeeze the thin steel bracket together slightly to allow it to slide forwards 12mm. Also,inlet mod only on my bike,if I remember correctly I did'nt do any re-jetting just a bit of fine tuning with the needle height and airscrew etc, the result was the engine revved out much higher and much cleaner,not as rich as the standard barrel. As you say it 'leaned' it up. (the bike I did was a white framed TY 89' not a pinky but as far as I can remember the airboxes are the same on both, could be wrong though but if I am misleading you I apologise.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi I fully agree with 2fg. The mods are also on a 89TY mono. Referring to the airbox, the standard opening on the top is not enough apparently, just extend it a bit and add a twin walled air filter. This will let the bike breath more and make the mods more effective. When I have got time I will post sum pictures of the air filter and carburettor extender. Cheers Scott
  19. Hey Tobster My bike was not bored to 270cc, we kept the standard 250cc but had the ports enlarged on the barrel and piston. I am unsure about what we did to the carburettor but I think it was slightly bigger jets and maybe moving the needle a bit. As for fuel, obviously the higher octane 98 is better but people do run them on the normal 95 with no problems. Scott
  20. Hey all Sorry to do this but I feel it is necessary. I my personal opinion i would not bid on the following item as it is a dog and not worth what you would pay. My dad won the bike and went to have a look at it in Manchester, losing a days work and found the bike was not anywhere near as advertised. It had the following faults. The bearings in swing arm and wheels gone. The Fan comes on when started and the engine rattles like a food blender The front fork seal are shot. Both sprockets and chain need replacing and not just "needing adjustment" as the owner tried to convince us. The last service was done over 18 months ago, so as you can tell it is not well maintained. The only thing he has bought for the bike was a new back mudgurd which is already broke. Don
  21. Hi Tobster I have had that mod done to my TY250 and the boot does need to be extended slightly. I have a bit of pipe connecting between the carb and the boot. I think it is made of nylon but I cant be sure. Providing it is air tight fit any pipe should work. Also cut the top of the air box open so more air can gets in. It will improve the effectiveness of the mod. Hope this helps Scott
  22. Hey all I last weeks TMX there was a Gas Gas with a 175 Yamaha Majesty engine in it. If you want more info I will read the article in more depth and post it. Hope this helps Scott
  23. scott_king


    Hey all I used to race schoolboy motocross and loved every minute but got far to competitive and dangerous. Within 4 months I broke my arm and collar bone so I thought it was time I stopped before I did some real damage. But I still love the thrill of racing and speed. So I did a compromise and I now do time trails and I am loving that. At least with trials you don
  24. Cheers for the input Kevin Do you have his URL please? Cheers Scott
  25. Hey all I need to improve the braking on my TY250. Currently I have drum brakes but they are not up to scratch for time trials. I have heard about a talon kit to convert the front brake to a disc. But I am unsure if they still make it or any are still around. I could swap the front ends out of a TY250 pinky. To this extent I was wondering if a newer front wheel and brake set will work if I make up a bracket. I have heard of a 2000 Gas Gas front wheel, spindle and brake being fitted. Does anyone have any of the above they are willing to sale? If I cannot get any of the above, can I improve the drum brakes in anyway? Cheers Scott
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