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beta boy

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  1. bike was completly totaled wasn't even worth buying for spares. frame bent, swing arm bent, crankcase bent, forks bent both wheels buckled etc. im sure you get the picture. the most annoying thing is i had just cleaned and polished it. serviced it, new breakpads, handlbars, grips, levers, throtle. and filled it up with oil and petrol. all of it gone in like a minute. cause it only happened about a minute away from my house
  2. was coming round a corner on my derbi 50cc motorbike. and some stupid women in a pug 106 was on my side of the rode leaving me nowhere to go except headon into her car. and then she decided to just drive off and leave me with the bottom and top half of my leg broken in a toale of 4 places. de-gloved the bottom of my foot, internal bleeding and a dislocated shoulder. nica ah. that happened in august of 2005 and i only just started walking at the end of january and only got back of a 50cc road bike last month. stil havent ridden a trials bike which has anoyed me cause i got a new one and i only got to ride it twice. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b238/betaboy/IMG_0260.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b238/betaboy/IMG_0254.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b238/betaboy/IMG_0248.jpg
  3. beta boy


    ive been a member for a while now but i have not posted in nealry a year because i had a motorcycle accident and i have not ridden my trials bike since then. but i am getting back to trials as soon as possible
  4. think it is sorted now turned out it was the exhaust gasket leaking. the silicone has dryed now and the noise has stoped
  5. was riding my bike today and it started making a i kind off hissing noise thought it was the fan at first but then i held it and started the engine and it still did it. then i though the exhaust gasket could be leeking so i seeled that up still there is a noise. i dont have a clue what it is. i need help. this is only the second time ive riden it and i looks like it is buggered already
  6. i take it the needles arent suppost ot fall out i must off been cause they where very worn and rusty. my dog bones dont have a scratch on em dont think the bike has ever been used on rocks the bash plate is in very good condition
  7. how much would new dogbone bearings be for my year 2000 txt 249. and how do you get them out off the dog bones all of the needles have fallen out but the rest i dont no how to get out
  8. look how crappy the tyres are they wouldnt get you anywhere they would just spin
  9. got a few more questions. -how much coolant does it take. -how much fuel does the tank hold. -where can i got carbon fork gaurds from
  10. you dont pay VAT on helmets i was all set to buy the airoh priced it with vat off and could not afford it because it was not deductable. it's really anoying. i think it is casue it is safety equipment
  11. gonna go colect my txt tomorrow hopefully. ive got a few questions that need to be answered. -what gearbox oil should i use and how much of it should i put in -is castrol tts ok to use as premix oil. if so what ratio should i mix it at. -what is th rear break like to bleed is it a pain in the a*** that takes ages to get the air out or is it straight foward put bleeder on pump lever done
  12. what it make a difference running on leaded fuel because i thought the led was for lubing the cam and valves in fourstrokes. or is it because unleaded is lower octane
  13. is the txt 249 still a competittive bike aprt from the bit of extra weight
  14. found one here http://www.50cc.nl/zoek_res_e.asp?TA=DerSen&GR=carburateur for
  15. beta boy

    Keihin Pwk 28

    how much are keihin pwk's and what would it be like to fit a setup on a txt 249. has anyone got one fitted to a txt, if so what jet sizes needles settings etc. are you running
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