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beta boy

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Everything posted by beta boy
  1. gez well those colours arent standard on any techno just to make sure we no what year we are dealing with has it got up side down forks on it is the rear brake a grimeca 4 pot brake and what year does it say on the front and back hubs here is a piccy of me bake brake not very clear but u will still be able to tell if it is the same as yours or not
  2. the way the fuel tap works wonder boy
  3. beta boy


    yeah i know but you shouldnt expect to have silicone on a new bike u would of though gas gas would of made it fit more snug or actually put some rubber in there not just black silicone
  4. beta boy


    humm my mate and his dad just bought 2 brandnew 03 txt edition 280's but on the 03's are they suppost to have black fork sliders like the pros do or do the bikes have the wrong forks and when they got them they had black silcone between the airbox and the rear fender it looks messy i would be p****d of if this came on my brandnew bike
  5. good idea timp never thought of using silicone well it will save anyhill forking out for a new exhaust
  6. the gasket paste will blow out i had it on the black end of my silencer and it blew out my advice buy a new exhaust and the good thing about the new exhaust is it will seal porperly on the o rings it wont need repacking for a while and it looks nice im not sure how much it would be for a new one though
  7. trialsfan1 the beta left hand kickstart is better as you can use the back brake if u are on a hill while starting the bike and i know they are hard to start when u first get one but on ur first ride u will find them really easy if it where me buying a new bike i would pick the beta because of its looks and the way it rides
  8. beta boy

    Bash Plate

    have you tried using super glue or locking washers
  9. beta boy

    Trotters Burn

    that tight turn must be a right bugger that is at the bottom it must have been a right bithch with 4psi in the tyre let alone 15psi i dont no how you got up
  10. just polish it with autosol and it wont rust just polish it in after every ride keeps the exhaust shiney and prtotects it only takes about 10 seconds it is worth the effort
  11. well on betas it is water enters the airbox lid goes through filter sit in the bottom of the airbox wich is 2 inches from where the air goes into the carb so when you let it out and cgange the filter it is fine
  12. um yes it but when you drain it out the airbox and change the filter it dont make a difference
  13. i was jokin i was just trying to persuade him to buy some graphix off of me
  14. doppy bastared i would not recomend it buy a new one you cheap skate or you could not bother and buy some graphixs off me if they come down wrong for me bike
  15. there is already a topic on the sut is called heystu
  16. wel on my bike you can just pull the mudguard off cause it is cable tied on and the lid of the airbox is kept on buy this peice of rubber so i pull the wet filter out put the new one in and start the bugger
  17. looks like an armour plated truck
  18. put a drain hole on the bottom of the airbox so aftwer you have washed it remove the screw and out comes the water i use mine all the time best thing i ever did to my bike
  19. you dont need to tune your bike he does not use all the power as it is if half of it i know i hardly rev my bike but ur not much better so just save ur money on gettin a new bike or a rebore
  20. any hill if you do do this bodge yor engine is mostly gonna get buggered because the sherco mudguard will not seal round were all the airbox is and you end up with dirt going through ya filter and into your engine and that aint good
  21. maybe it was the loft insulation you were using for exhaust packing
  22. beta boy

    Rear Mudguard

    by looking at the mudguard it is a 99/00 rear mudguard id love to no how he did that it looks really nice
  23. beta boy

    Rear Mudguard

    found some over stuff cheaper and you get more but it aint heat proof that is the reasson my was so expensive because it is on my engine as well but the stuff is still really good a bough some also and put it on other places on my bike here is the link it is
  24. i wana get hebo footpegs but where is the cheapest place to get them from and been as i live in jersey a place that will give me VAT off
  25. it is the rubbers on the clutch basket that have gone happened on my mates dads rev3 also some of the rivets buggered up in the clutch some where dont no where they actally are but you just need to replace them and it should stop clonking
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