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beta boy

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Everything posted by beta boy
  1. yeah they may not die themselves but people can kill em
  2. what makes u think it is still around any way it could of been scrapped a while a go
  3. the hydraulic clutch on gas gas was put on the 93 in no this because there are to people at my club that have 92's and they both have cable clutches and on the gas gas website there is a picture of the 92 with a cable clutch and a picture of a 93 with an hydraulic one and beta 125's did not have hydraulic clutches intill year 2000 onwards
  4. sounds like when my mates dad rev3 bigend end bearings whent the disintergrated leaving the balls shattered in the bottom it is not that expensive about 80 to get it fixed if that is all that is wrong but it is not didficult just time consuming
  5. beta boy

    Rear Mudguard

    james u have to drill and extra hole james because the fender bolt holds the silencer on as well so if you cable tie it on the exhaust will woble so when u drill the extra hole the exaust bolts on normaly and tha cable tie goes through the new hole, and yes the bash plate is ment to be that shape it protects the covers on the sides of the engine and it also helps keep the rocks of the water pump and i dont see why you could not use an 03 fender cause it was in 02 they changed the airbox they have now but it will not fit on pre 2001 rev 3
  6. beta boy

    Rear Mudguard

    very nice steve how come your exaust is titanium colour and what is that big black bit on it and do u no how much the carbon fibre bit is on the middle exhaust
  7. beta boy

    Rear Mudguard

    no they dont techno98 (martin) they dont think it is a rev3 they did first time but not now and it is true the only thing that lets his bike down is those dodgy exaust mounts and the airbox dont fit properly but it does the job
  8. beta boy

    Rear Mudguard

    they are quite rare i think i am the only one in jersey with a 95 250 but my mate has a 95 125
  9. beta boy

    Rear Mudguard

    bought mine in september payed
  10. beta boy

    Rear Mudguard

    any hill the bike looks nice how long ago did you buy it
  11. beta boy

    Rear Mudguard

    dr nick that black tape as you call it is carbon fubre sheeting 20 per a5 sheet and the reason that the carb over flow is fed through the flywheel cover is because the pipe is really short and i found an anodized metal tube in my garage so i put on my bike
  12. beta boy

    Rear Mudguard

    last one and what do u guys think off me bike good or crap but be fair cause of its age
  13. beta boy

    Rear Mudguard

    and he is the rest of my bike cause i wanna show anyhill
  14. beta boy

    Rear Mudguard

    here is what i did it aint clear but it has a cable tie on it
  15. beta boy

    New Footpegs

    bad idea i reckon get a titanium drill piece start with a small one intil you get up to 7.5mm and then tap to clean the threads up
  16. beta boy

    Rear Mudguard

    any hill buy a brandnew mudguard from bvm fully stickered and made from better plastic nd get really small cable ties the just pop of when the mudguard hits the floor and leaves the muduard in perfect condition and keep some spares under your cross bar pad
  17. beta boy

    New Footpegs

    any hill you have the same bike as me i did not think there where many round eney more can you send me a pick of your bike and howmuch you paid for it cause i wana see if i got a good deal on myn or not
  18. that happened on my bike it turns out that when i was changing the bolts on th water pump to anodized ones i undid the drain screw and let loads of coolant out because i could not get it back in in time so i toped it up with coolant againg but there was an airgap so it did not fill the hole system so when i got home there was none in the expansion tank i dont no if u did this but that is what i did that made my bike run crap
  19. iris trials chain and talon sprokets
  20. beta boy

    New Footpegs

    anyhill i did that on my foot peg bracket you need to drill it out with a 7.5mm drill bit and then carefully tap it with an 8mm tap you will get the origional thread in the frame
  21. its a yam it would off survived no matter what
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