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beta boy

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Everything posted by beta boy
  1. beta boy

    Clunking Engine

    it only happens on hills and climbs when they get steep and the revs drop because the bike is strugling cause i think i have got it in the wrong gear
  2. beta boy

    Clunking Engine

    when i am moving on about 1/2 throtle
  3. beta boy

    Clunking Engine

    my dad has had the whole clutch dismateled but i cant tell where the sound is coming from in the engine if it even is the engine making the sound to charlies post i have found big as cracks in the manifold coming from the airbox to the carb im not sure if the cracks go all the way through it definitly aint the inlet manifold cause i only replaced it last month
  4. if it is an oil tank just fill it with water and use a cutting torch when it is on its side so the oil dont ctch light and the tank blows up
  5. this is the 95 fantic http://members.chello.nl/f.steenhuis/Motors.htm
  6. beta boy

    Clunking Engine

    i have checked the suspension linkages and the ones at the bottom of the shock has a bit of play i dont think this is the problem it sounds like it is coming from the engine someone told me that my big end was on the way out
  7. beta boy

    Clunking Engine

    a klunk not a loud one just so you can here it when riding
  8. beta boy

    Clunking Engine

    i was riding my bike today and i noticed my bike was making a clunking sound when it was put under strain going up a climb when it clunks the engine runs fine and does not lose power but the sound p****s me off and it makes me scared to ride my bike again incase it breaks it
  9. beta boy

    High-octane Gas?

    im running my bike at about 100:1
  10. beta boy

    High-octane Gas?

    don't know about leaded fuel at 110 octane but my bike with super unleaded (98 octane) and ipone octane booster it runs great but im not sure if a 2001 beta should be running on leaded fuel i know my 95 is suppost to but not sure about an 01
  11. their great if you have got a compressor to get all the water out from all the bearings otherwise they are crap just use a powerfull hose and some pro clean + soapy water for the stuborn bits of mud and rub it with a sponge and it does not force eney water into your air box
  12. it is simple exactly the same as on my techno take the clutch cover off with the bike on its side undo the six bolts and take the other cover off the friction plates are the ones with the little pads on them and the other ones are smooth just clean them up and buff them and bolt together done ust change the gear box oil just remeber DO NOT pull the clutch lever in while the springs are off or you wont get the clutch to work properly again without bleeding it
  13. beta boy

    What Else?

    get a $h!t load of anodised bolts and put them allover your bike they look great got them on my bike
  14. get a hebo hydraulic clutch conversion about 100 quid they make the clutch alot lighter
  15. on my beta it does the same thing as well it is because my clutch basket is not smooth i have had it out and smoothed it out by hand it has made it a bit better but the basket aint perfect all i do is start it up hold both brakes on with the clutch in and hold it flat out and click into gear it jolts a tiny bit but then it is freed off and works perfect
  16. anodized bolts get your foot peg brackets made stronger wavey disks
  17. you got a good deal there enen if the efect wheres away just put new one on myn cost
  18. dont bother with that fake stuff it dont stick well and the efect wares off after a while by some reall stuff expensive but looks great and the glue is really thck never wares out and you can spill as much petrol on it as you like and it will not effect it ive even got it on my crankcase and that gets hot but still looks great and hasnt peeled off
  19. beta boy

    Carb Problems

    yeah because it was cheap and cause i knew the person that had it
  20. beta boy

    Carb Problems

    when i got my beta you could fit your little finger in one of the holes on the intake mani fold i soon had that replaced the person who ahd it before me was riding with it like that
  21. got myn on a disk ready to be made at school going to put them on my lid and my mudguard and tank
  22. beta boy


    try sealing the airbox off and then put flexy hose coming out at the handle bars so you can go in water over your back mudguard but on other thoughts i wouldn't try it on my $h!ty beta cause water always gets in
  23. i use ipone filter oil its great stuff it comes out the bottle nice and runny to cover the filter properly and then it dries really tacky and it washes out well with filter cleaner but there is one tip one it comes to oiling your filter dont use 2 stroke oil cause it drains out of the filter then goes into the carb and when you rwally need that burst of power to get you up that climb your bike burbles and spluters cause it has just had a nice sludgy shot of oil
  24. where do you make the little blue and red shapes cause ive already got the writting i made it at school on the sticker machine all i nead now are the shapes
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