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beta boy

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Everything posted by beta boy
  1. alot of people i no just spray wd40 on the bead of the tyre and pump it up and it just pops on then just wait untill the wd drys and your good to ride
  2. beta boy

    98 Carb

    thanks sirdabsalot. know i wont get any more petrol patches onmy drive from when it is on the stand
  3. beta boy

    98 Carb

    the techno and the rev3 have the same carb. neonsurge do you know which two it is, is it the one near the choke and the one on the float bowl. is it it another combination
  4. beta boy

    2005 Rev3

    a little girl at my club has had an 2005 rev 80 for a month now
  5. beta boy


    my carb use to do it i found out there was dirt in there causing the floats to stick so i cleaned it with carb cleaner and compressed air. as for the sight glass that is just to show there is oil in there. you bike takes 550ml of oil i find pj1 light clutch tunner works best after a long time of finding a good oil.
  6. beta boy


    yes it would look crap but you could not do it anyway casue the 99 has a intergratted fuel cap not a screw on and the rad tank is inder the palstic not stickin out
  7. beta boy


    you can get some 99 graphix for it there nice http://www.thetrialcompany.com/B1999/techno99.jpg
  8. also look for cracks in the inlet from the airbox o the carb and the inlet manifold from carb to reed valve also check for scratches on the fork sliders as they are buggers to get rid of
  9. do you mean jersey as in jersey in the chanell islands if so i can pm you some phone numbers so you can get in contact with the club here
  10. beta boy


    it must be then bloody hell that is heavy
  11. beta boy


    no way it cant be 220kg that is heavy if you dropped that i dout you could pick it up without a real struggle. my mates 660cc quad weighs less than that and it is huge
  12. dont be stupid i would not put a light on my bike and especially not that one it look's like a cyclops i only suggested it cause it was cheap
  13. ive rung around a few places and you cant get an aftermarket silencer. and the beta one is 100 pounds so i got a nice little aluminum bolt size m4 and tapped the whole with a tap screwed it in and i intend to file the head off the bolt at some point to blend it all in. thanks for your help guys
  14. oooohh, that is bad hard to think coolant/water could do that i slight bit of the paint has come off in my impeler housing so i touched it up with a bit of hammerite did the trick has not come off yet. clarkp is your impeler plastic cause mine is in my techno and i just thought it was a bit cheepo to make it out of plastic
  15. yeah right coloured tyres will never catch on
  16. yeah a beta one from www.bvm-moto.co.uk or this one from ryp https://secure.rypusa.com/prodpage.cfm?Cat_...uct_Selected=20
  17. you could try not falling off or holding on to your bike for as long as you can before it hits the deck i do it and i have not broken much compared to people that just let it go
  18. beta boy

    Ac/dc Converter

    it just sits there just put it under the tank cover dont push it down towards the engine or it will get wet all the time
  19. beta boy

    Ac/dc Converter

    the ac/dc coverter is suppost to have some heatshrink on it. the ac dc converter does generate heatso much that when i cut my heat shrink off to change i had run out of heat shrink and had a trial so put a little plastic bad on it and it melted so that is how much heat it makes
  20. it's not to far gone to put a patch on it but it will look crap the reason it wanted and aftermarket one is because most of them are cheaper but it they dont make em ill buy onother beta one
  21. i have discoverd 2 rott holes in my silncer one att the bottom where water can collect and another one on the side the whole thing must be rotting from the inside out. do you no of any aftermarket silncers that will fit my bike as i would of thought theyed be cheaper and look nicer than the beta one thanks BB
  22. beta boy

    '97 Fluids?

    my none of the95's came from the factory with them i dont think well that is what it shows in the manual and mine does not colaapse at all it sits there fine even at high revs i tested it with the lid off
  23. i use car foam upolstrey cleaner with great results my helemet stank real bad and i was going to bin it and get a new and i thought that the cleaner might make my head itch but i thought i may as well try it caise if it does not work im gonna but a new helmet anyway so i tried it. it got rid off all the horrible mud ground in around the face area and loads of sweaty horrible stuff came out from inside it and left the matterial nice and soft and smellin nice, but i have used other cleaners and some dont smell nice so smeel the cleaner before you buy it or it could end up smelling like a pub like what ahppened to me once i use this one it is real cheap and smells of apple and it is a huge can http://www.tool-up.co.uk/shop/diy/WYN99882.html i also use this stuff on my bike to make it real shiney http://www.tool-up.co.uk/shop/diy/WYN43602.html
  24. my helmet use to stink so i got some car foam interior cleaner and cleaned it with that loads of dirt came out and smells nice and still smells nice now after a whole season of trials
  25. i got them in portugal when i was on holiday they where real cheap payed about 6 quid for 50 bolts bargain price and there real good qulity not the like the chepo ones i have bought before but i dunno where you can get them from i do no of some other places that sell anodized bolts though http://www.lewisportusa.com/trick_bits.htm there expensive though
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