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Everything posted by fatboyty175
  1. hi ive got a dilemer with my clutch what it is is that i start the bike up and then pull te clutch in and put it into gear and it pulls away without even letting the clutch out
  2. hi ive got a dilemer with my clutch what it is is that i start the bike up and then pull te clutch in and put it into gear and it pulls away without even letting the clutch out
  3. hi ive got a dilemer with my clutch what it is is that i start the bike up and then pull te clutch in and put it into gear and it pulls away without even letting the clutch out
  4. fatboyty175

    Ty Troubles

    hi can anyone help ive just painted my cilinder head with heat proof engine paint and it seamed to be smoking off the cilinder head cover but iv had it all to pieces and just put the petrol tank back on so i was wandering if it was that and it seames top be running very fast could it be because the engine is dry thanks
  5. how do i clean the rear twinshocks and get get them off do i nead a spring clamp or not
  6. iv got a ty175 aswell but its not looking like that yet
  7. fatboyty175

    My Ty175

    this is my old ty175 that ive just bought without the petrol tank and mudguards and side pannels
  8. hi it was because i was not moving the rear wheel when i was selecting the gear i now that sounds stupid but im sorry if i wasted any ones time
  9. ive now sorted my gear selecting problem
  10. fatboyty175


    hi someone said strip the gearbox on my old ty175 but how do i do this because the nut wont crack on the clutch plate holder because ive got nothing to hold the friction plate holder wuith thanks in advance
  11. fatboyty175


    newcastle upon tyne
  12. hi everyone i can only get 1st and nuteral gear does anyone share this problem or anything simaller and does anyone know how to sort it out thanks in advance
  13. fatboyty175


    i live in the uk thanks
  14. the best erly trials bike is the ty
  15. fatboyty175


    hi all ive just joined and just bought an old yamaha ty175 and was just wandering if anyone knew any websites for spares thanks in advance
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