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Everything posted by gassa1
  1. Who do people use to insure there RR with as every company I’ve tried says the bike isn’t listed, the only model that is listed is the standard 260, thanks
  2. Hi thinking of buying a new montesa 4RT but carnt decide which model, is it worth paying the extra £££ for a RR and what’s the main difference between the 2 bikes apart from the 301 having the bigger motor, how do they both ride and would the RR be too much for a clubman rider? thanks
  3. Hi, can anyone tell me if clutch rattle on a 2018 gas gas is normal and what’s the best gearbox oil to use and how much ? Thanks
  4. Hi, just been buying a new montesa 4rt and I'm going to change the oils and oil filter, can anyone recommend the best oil to use and how often the filter should be changed,how much oil goes back in and can you use the same oil for the gearbox and engine, also I've heard the oil filter is a pain in the a*** to change so any advice would be greatly appreciated
  5. Hi What's the best air filter to use in a 4RT and can it be use without the mesh guard, I know Jitsie and twin air make them but I've been told the filter will be sucked into the engine if you don't put the guard on. Thanks
  6. Hi, I've recently bought a 2015 4rt which I'm having a problem starting when cold, once it's warm it seems to start no problem but seems to tick over quite high, could anyone give me any advice on this problem and also tell me what RPM it should run at? Thanks
  7. Has anyone had a problem with the plastic fuel tanks swelling on the latest gas gas ? My tank has increased by 20mm in length and has to be forced back into the frame making the fuel tank bow causing a gap between the frame and fuel tank
  8. It's a personal choice but for me I think the standard bike actually looks better than the repsol, I've rode both and I actually thought the standard bike felt better, I know the repsol has better suspension etc but for the average rider most couldn't tell any difference
  9. Any news from gas gas on the takeover? I could be wrong but I thought we were going to find out who the new owners were today
  10. Factory beta at the scott yesterday was a 2015, we won't see the new factories until well into 2016
  11. Really good trial this weekend at bollihope , weardale . Good sections and a good ride inbetween , you should be fine on the easy course
  12. gassa1

    2015 Scorpa...

    I tried the 300 standard bike and it was really nice to ride, quite powerful so I think I'd prefer the 250 but I know a few people who bought them last year and love them and don't seem to have had any problems with them
  13. So the pre-production 2016 Gas Gas is going to be at this weekends TDN, It looks like the Belgium importer knew more than some people thought and it's not a rumour after all
  14. I would have thought the importers in every country would be some of the first ones to know but maybe they have to keep quiet until the deal is 100% done
  15. No but he probably knows more than you
  16. so the latest rumour doing the rounds is the new owners of Gas Gas will be announced on the 16th of October, I hope this is the case and not just a silly rumour it would be great to see Gas Gas producing in my opinion the best trials bike on the market again,
  17. Internet hasn't been out of reach for me mate, it's pretty obvious there wasn't gonna be a new gas gas but we've usually seen something new by now
  18. I've got mine on a new gas gas and never had a problem
  19. I've had one on for a few weeks now and it's absolutely fine, very soft and grippy and it seems to be wearing well, I wouldn't have any concerns about using it around teeth
  20. whats happening with the new 2016 models ? The Spanish factory's usually release details of the new models before the factory shut down, I can remember when gas gas used to have the new models here for the end of July, Beta was always later than the rest but it all seems quiet at the minute
  21. It's doesn't look good at the minute seems like the only way forward is for the company to go bust wipe out all the debt and start up again but how did gas gas even get into this position ? It must be the most popular trials bike on the market by a long way and even the enduro bikes seem to becoming more popular over the last few years
  22. It does seem like some parts are in short supply, hope they get it sorted I've usually got my factory replica ordered by now
  23. Does anyone have any news on the situation with Gas Gas? It all seems to have gone very quiet recently, even the updates from the factory seem to have dried up, all a bit worrying
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