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Posts posted by collyolly
  1. Just looked at the entry list for the first championship round for the S.E. centre to be held in Jan, we have 3 Elite Experts and 6 Experts the rest of the entry which amounts to near on 120 riders have opted for either the blue inter route or the red novice route.

    This must say something about the severity that most riders want to ride and enjoy, there are plenty of competitors who have over recent years dropped down to the inter route and now ride as over 40's to still ride against their peers but at an enjoyable level.

    The same applies to guys dropping down from blue to red and ride as over 50's, not as novices but in a competition against their mates at a level they feel comfortable with.

    Hard sections are what kill the enjoyment of a trial especially in short multi lap trials, 4 laps of 10 with 2 stoppers gives your average rider 40 marks before he has had any enjoyment !

    • Like 3
  2. 6 micron accuracy in the machining of a bearing 3m in diameter ! I believe everything I see on the telly and in the news as well.

    Just to clarify, a Micron is one millionth of a metre or one thousandth of a mm, more usually used to describe a surface finish than a dimensional machining tolerance.

    • Like 3
  3. It is all quite straightforward for a mechanical mind, if as you say you have limited experiance can you give an example of what you do have experiance of ?

    I cannot be specific about a Sherco as I have a Gasser but removing the swingarm to clean and grease the linkage is not a job for someone with limited experiance or as is probably the case a limited toolset. Also head bearings are not easy to get to then you have to reset the 'clearance' .

    Have you got a club member or riding mate that has done their own maintainance that could lend a guiding hand ?

    Take plenty of photos as you go and take your time until you are familiar with all the parts

    Good luck

  4. Reading the original post the first thing to say is never ever take a view from a photo or a video, neither convey the grip conditions or the incline, I watched loads of videos of the pre 65 Scottish and attempted my first full of confidence until I got to the first sections on my bike !

    If you are in the S.E. Centre then you have no problems with a twin shock bike just ride whichever route you feel appropriate for your ability once you have decided what it is. There is nothing stopping you riding against modern bikes (as I do ) on your twin shock and beating them on any route.

    Go to a few local trials first to gauge what you are up against but I have ridden on and off for 40 years and I don't think the sections have got easier locally ( can't speak for national events) but the bikes certainly make it easier and look a lot easier !

    Good luck and if you want to go to a good local event in the middle of Jan come over to Canada Heights at Swanley and see the first round of the S.E. Centre championships, watch the elites and then tell us it's easy ! You will also see sections for everyone from novice upwards.

    • Like 1
  5. I use a Hebo with the built in visor and it's fantastic, I went this way as I rode a few Sammy Miller road trials and found the visor invaluable as I wear glasses and had difficulty finding goggles to fit.

    Weight is not a problem it's very comfortable and when the time comes I will buy another.

    • Like 2
  6. Why is there a pricing differential between the TRS One capacities ? I had a go on both the 250 and 300 at the weekend and apart from the engine performance they seemed identical.

    I would say they are fabulous bikes, steer, brake and grip ( even with harder tires than I would normally run ) beautifully, if you want a light riding bike this is the one it felt nearer to a bicycle !

    • Like 1
  7. I have quite wide feet and find that the Gaerne boot is the only one to feel comfortable of the ones I was able to try, certainly alpinestars came up very narrow.

    I also ride a size bigger than my normal shoe size, trying for fit has to be the only option, could you find a retailer willing to do sale or return it must be a common problem when you are so far from your bike / clothing supplier, the only problem is the cost of the return postage.

  8. I rode this trial a couple of times in the last few years of it being run, it was fantastic.

    I only found out last weekend that it had been resurrected, I would have entered if I had known earlier but other commitments prevented me.

    I suggest the reason for lack of entries was lack of awareness, how was it advertised ? My mate saw it listed in TMX which I no longer get ( trials central replaces it for my interests )

    Mate was going to ride this then the Kia round the next day to make the trip from Kent worthwhile, perhaps we need more info on National trials, was this an ACU event ? I searched the ACU web site after I was told about it and couldn't find anything, if you do not know about it you can't enter it !

    • Like 4
  9. Depends where you are in Kent but this weekend we have our ' North Kent Combine meeting' at a place called Burwash and run by the Bexleyheath club. A wonderful piece of ground and a very experianced club.

    Come along and have a chat I am sure there will be plenty of advice.

    We have a beginners and wobblers series for riders new to the sport and in fact Bexleyheath also run introduction days to show you what the sport is all about.

    In this area with a bit of effort and membership of a couple of Clubs you could ride most weekends if you find you enjoy it.

    Good luck

  10. So this is what trolling is is it ? ( I am the ultimate Technophobe, don't even use a mobile )

    Well I have been well and truly caught, I believe I gave TTSpud the perfect formula for resolving his issues with our system, he could easily have set up the process to check bikes eligibility for his imaginary trials series before the event and then had complete control of the TTSpud 'Originals Trials Series' results and championship table for all these hordes of reluctant competitors just waiting to drag out their unmolested bikes and drag them round the easy route. Not going to happen is it ?

    I am sure the ACU would have given him permission to use their results just to shut him up.

    Why not post the pictures ? Perhaps some rivet counter would notice that the flinge bracket had an extra hole in it making it super light, can't possibly have any advantage can we except of course the imaginary ex-works bike. By the way all bikes came out of a workshop originally so perhaps we all have got one.

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  11. Are you sure that number relates to the trials entry at one event ?

    As I read it, that is the number of riders who have competed in the requisite number of events of a series to be eligible for an award !

    That is a lot different from the number of riders in an event !

    Please advise the correct meaning of this post as it is very misleading to keep going on about falling entries when the start point is wrongly interpreted.

    Perhaps the original author would care to enlighten us ?

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