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  1. brownie001

    280 Piston

    In the US, you not only have Skidoo's and Seadoos's to choose from but Rotax makes motors used in Ultralites. The pistons are original Elko's only thing you have to get sorted is the needle roller cage as they need to be wider. OEM does not use a cage but free floating rollers with thrust washers. I have used MZ 250ST cages so far with no problems encountered. The other problem is, they are either red or green dot parts and are a bit more expensive. That said, anything you now buy from the UK is subject to all sorts of taxes so it could be a swings and roundabout thing. Which way you choose to go is your choice of course but with some searching and using such forums, there are alternatives available.
  2. Hi, my mate had a similar problem and it was traced to the in tank petrol pump. New tank/pump and it's as good as new again. Ciao, Phil
  3. The open spring side of the seal faces inward (the cranckcase). If the seals are fitted correctly, there could be a gasket problem, a crack in the case or the 'O' ring/s under the crankcase nuts and bolts are shot. Not at all easy to diagnose from a description. I'd go for a full stripdown. All of the parts are available.
  4. Hi St. Pauls, searched their site for anything SWM. Only came up with brake shoes !
  5. Hi Patrik, I bought an Aprilia air cooled 280 in a box. Had some bits done and started to put it back together. In the box with the Gearbox bits, ther is a tensioner of some sort which I can't place. Nothing the like on the SWM 125 and 280's I've rebuilt so far. any ideas ? I can send a pic but I wanted a first thought. Wierd, I usually fathom things out but this has got me boggeled.





    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. brownie001


      Hi Patrik, many thanks, the diagram helped big time. It sits on the casing at the base of the 5th/6th gear selector shaft. The roller sits on the shift drum index. The engine number is 239543.

      Maybe if I'd stripped a few more motors in the past I'd have seen it before. I can't recall such a part on either my 125 or 320 which I rebuilt in the past. Maybe, just maybe, that's the reason for the sporadically bad gearchange on the 320. We shall see.

      Many, many thanks for your help,



    3. pschrauber


      Hi Phil,
      as I mentioned before. very early ones did have it different the later ones changed a bit the design to what what you have there.
      The engine number leads to a later unit when I compare to my 1980 SWM Guanaco TL.NW which is from the first yellow make.

      I' am in the process of producing aluminium axles for the SWM, made out of 7075 aluminium, much labor intensive, costs depends
      to the time, the around price is beeing calculated right now, whioch is a good weight saver nearly one kg!

      IF You are interested, as each additional item made makes the production run cheaper,
      payment is in advantange to the producer in Belgium or it will NOT happen.




    4. brownie001


      Hi Patrik, are you talking about both axles or just the front one ?

      PM me at Philip-Brown@T-Online.de once you have a few more details.




  6. Hi, I bought an Aprilia air cooled 280 in a box. Had some bits done and started to put it back together. In the box with the Gearbox bits, ther is a tensioner of some sort which I can't place. Nothing the like on the SWM 125 and 280's I've rebuilt so far. any ideas ? I can send a pic but I wanted a first thought. Wierd, I usually fathom things out but this has got me boggeled.






    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. brownie001


      Hi Ross, well here are a few pics which might help.




    3. b40rt


      Nope, no idea. Looks similar to the selector (?)  beneath 1st gear ?

    4. brownie001


      Hi Ross, It sits on the casing at the base of the 5th/6th gear selector shaft. The roller sits on the shift drum index.

      According to ETL 336    20 to 23.  You live and learn. Can't recall seing such on any other Rotax I've had in bits before. C'est la vie !image.thumb.png.abe03fb3df80661c897ea38c90798c03.png


  7. You mean did or has he opened up shop again ?
  8. Hi, has anybody gone to the trouble of replacing the silent bloc swingarm bushes on an 81 TLNW320 with needle rollers or some other alternative ? I'm building a 'Bitsa' using a TL frame and swinger and just wondered if anybody might have done such and would be willing to share their experiences ? Thanks up front, Phil
  9. Hi, I tried a set of Shinko's on my SWM TLNW 125. Went to a trial which was wet and muddy and decided after the first section that the tyres needed to go. The front just loaded up and worked like a slick. Shinko's are probably ok for a field bike or if you are content at being last in class in a competition. I went for a set of Golden Tyre Gekko's. I found them really good and when I got my TLNW 320 rebuilt, wanted a set for it too. The tyres were removed from the market though and I went for a set of IRC's. They are great tyres for me in all conditions. I can't comment on Michelin's as I've never had any on one of my bikes (yet).
  10. Lots of ignition/spark problems are caused by a bad earth, check that first. Was so on my 247. Changed everything but the earth lead, when I finally did, put all the old kit back.
  11. 70 to 74 MK4's and MK4B's had them fitted but it's the chassis numbers which are important. 21M6600 to 21M6699
  12. No disrespect intended Keychange but if you've found something, please supply the Link. The search results vary depending on what part of the world you're in. Sammy Miller was taken over, all products can now be found at Feked.com I looked there first and found nothing compatible.
  13. Many, many thanks for a great piece of information Cleanorbust.
  14. Hi, I'm trying to get hold of an exhaust silencer for my Cota 247. In the attached picture it can be seen top right. I've tried most of the usual sources but have had no luck so far. Thanks in advance, Phil
  15. The last round was held on the 19th of October in Kerzenheim.
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