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Everything posted by oztlm
  1. oztlm


    Hi everybody, I am the happy owner of a TLM200R ( MD15 ) and I would love to know if there are any aftermarket suppliers of pattern parts for this model ( 1985ish ). I am looking for a clutch kit, complete gasket set, points, intake manifold, and condenser. Genuine Honda parts seem to be unavailable even on japanese sites so where can I get these parts ? I have read that some parts from the MTX 200 are the same but could really use some clarification.
  2. G`day from the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. I`m Russ and the owner of an old TL125 K2 and the new owner of a TLM200R ( MD15 ). I`ve just come back to trials bikes after a break of 35yrs ( last had a TL in 1979 living in Sussex ) mostly to get my son interested but also to have fun ! The old TL was restored by an Aussie who had 30 bikes stored under his house and he let me have it pretty cheap, just needed new tyres, carby and rear shocks ( Sammy Miller gas items shipped over ) and now it runs great. My new bike is a 1985 TLM200R and this seems to be a much rarer creature because parts a very thin on the ground. I love this bike but the clutch is on its last legs so will need to replace soon enough ( I`m led to believe the Honda MTX 125/200 clutch is the same ? any info gratefully received ). Will post a couple of pics.
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