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Everything posted by bradfordjonq
  1. Agreed, but I tried the two kicks method you mention above with no joy whatsoever, so what I’ve passed on is a final resort if the usual methods don’t work, it worked for me..
  2. Hi All, I realise this is an old thread but I’ve had 4rt starting problems recently and wanted to share the little trick I’d been given by the mechanic at Sandifords, Burnley. In short, I brought my 2015 4rt home on my trailer through some miserable wet and cold conditions, I spent a week pulling my hair out trying to get it started, checking electrical connections etc without any luck, in the end I phoned Sandifords and they told me to do the following - Open the Idle screw under the seat by another 2 full turns (factory setting for the tickover is around 3 full turns out). Fully open the throttle and slowly kick the starter to reset the ECU (the bike won’t start at this stage). Return the throttle to closed and kick start the bike as normal (no throttle). The bike should start with a high tickover. Turn the tickover screw back in until the tickover is ‘normal’. Hopefully that will save someone the hassle I had..
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