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Posts posted by barrybaines
  1. Reckon Kinell is on the money here, take the flywheel cover off and check for wear and check the flywheel hasn't come loose. Try running it without the cover on if it is still there then you could have a worn or broken ring? My 04 250 started making a buzzing noise shortly before spitting half a ring out the exhaust!!

  2. I didn't mean re-packing old bearings! I was talking about the new ones. I will have a search for a technique to get the bearings out as it has been discussed before.

    EDIT: Just a quick use of the search function and I have found loads but here is one of the selection Searching is easy

  3. most likely to be corrosion in the pump casing (common problem) to check it take the cover off and it will all become obvious! to fix it get a new casing. To prevent it from happening change your coolant frequently

  4. If you do need any boring/honing give Steve at piston broke in Bristol a shout he is somewhat of a legend on all things like this and will do a good deal. For an example one of my bikes I creamed in he bored out and supplied all parts need for less than half the price I could of got from the dealers due to his infinate knowledge of workable strokes and sizes. The man can save the unsaveable :banana2:

  5. Why is it all of a sudden the bike that is responsible for Bou winning - in the previous 2 years that Raga won, popular opinion was that the 4RT wasn't good enough to win the title hence Dougie and Fuji's failure. Now...

    Perhaps it was like this - Dougie and Fuji no longer consistent/good enough to win the title, nothing wrong with the bike. Bou, just begining to get into his stride changes from Beta to Mont and wins. Who's to say he wouldn't have won on the Beta. Impossible to answer despite all the expert opnion.

    As far as Scorpa needing a world rider to sell bikes - why..?? Never did Yamaha any harm in selling their TY Mono and TYZ bikes not having one. TY Mono probably the biggest selling bike for 9 years with only 1 win in that time. Obviously of no consequence to the people that bought them.

    I've known riders who have no interest in WTC whatsoever and who rides what or whether a certain marque is represented at that level makes no difference at all in their choice of bikes

    I'm with this man on this one! I remember everyone slating the fart as a wtc bike now it's all about the bike?

    And lets face it Scorpa weren't ever right up there in the rankings in wtc in recent past at least so the what wins on Sunday sells Monday thing don't work to well, like many have said it is a good seller for all of it's on reasons as it is.

    On the other hand I would much prefer a greater selection of bikes to be able to compete at the highest level.

  6. My Dad started a trials bike club and we got permission from Sir Cameron Makintosh to use some of his land our club has 17,000 acres to practice on we have trials events in the village and raise cash at different events we have given demonstrations to the local crofters and farmers at agricultural shows.

    Next weekend we are doing Pipers burn sections from the Scottish 6 day trials. My dad is a policeman in the village and organised the club to ensure all of the boys in the village did everything by the book we have 3 bike trailers so can take 9 bikes out to organisations.


    I think "some people get all the luck" comes to mind ;) Fair play to you

  7. Right then, as a bit of a fan of photobysergio's work I thought I just had to post a link to THIS nice little playtime clip he has captured including the 3.2 Sherco, they are certainley having a good time!

    Like I said I am a bit of a fan of this guys video work and if you have a few minutes spare I would suggest having a good look through all of his stuff very good indeed.


  8. Get yourself set-up with a Photobucket account upload them all there and either use the link button on here (the green cross) or just click on the TAG button below each picture you want to share and paste it in your reply.

    Look forward to seeing them ;)

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