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Posts posted by barrybaines
  1. Seen a few of the '07 Sherco 4T's and they don't have any problems. Beta have produced a good product out of the box but have probably benefited from watching Sherco and Scorpa's early troubles.

    I seen an 07 Sherco hidden away in the trees being fettled with on Sunday and even when they got it going again it wasn't revving out very well! and later I saw the same bike being a right pig to start!

  2. I have heard all the stories that modern unleaded fuel goes off and has a very short shelf life - I was a ltlle scheptical but now I know its true.

    Took my trusty old TLR to a trial yesterday along with a tin of petrol from the shed - suspect the fuel in the tank was same age - no more than 4 weeks old. Normaly I give the bike a run the day before just to check all is well but this time was a last minute effort.

    Loads bike on trailer and off I goes, usually i top up with fuel on the way - dont bother since running late.

    Starts bike on choke - sounds bit rough - unusual for this bike, its normally trouble free and was perf4ect the last time I used it. lots of smoke as well - very unusual.

    Off choke bike dies - bike wont run without choke at all - frustrated I go through the normal drill, seat off, check air filter aint wet, check carb - jets clear - nothing untoward there.

    The petrol did smell flat ie with not strong smell - could it be fuel?

    luckily a kind samaritan had 2 litres of fuel so we drained tank, changed fuel and try again - as soon as new fuel got into float chamber the bike cleared and ran like it should do.

    Thanks to the two kind samaritans who lent me fuel to complete the trial - Les from Elgin and the chap from the HIA in Inverness -I owe you both a favour.

    Then again pity my riding was really poor - even for me - I am blaming the stress of my beloved bike embarassing me by not starting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Think how long that fuel has been sat in tankers, transport and again at the filling station, I think you're cause is more likely to be down to water contamination than "going off" a little bit of condensation is all it takes!

  3. I'm thinking of a two wheel drive after my Trial on sunday,, couldn't find grip for the life of me...

    :beer: Good luck on that one! is your tyre any good? have your pressures correct for the ground? and are you applying the throttle smoothly?

  4. Right then I will never be awake in time for work in the morning but I am very near completion HERE should be my gallery still uploading the last few but there are a few too keep you going!

    Fantastic photos. What kind of camera?



    I use a Fuji S5600 great bit of kit for the money although much happier in clear sunlight than under all the trees, still able to get some OK shots under the coverage though

  5. All edited and just about to start the upload marathon! may not finish tonight though? I think I got lucky a few times today by narrowly missing being run over!

    Unfortuanatley as you will see my little Fuji doesn't like all the shade too much but there are a few nice shots in there I hope

  6. Right then bits I have are minimal but I like them!


    Full SXS graphics kit, Radycool exhaust guard, Raptor pegs, and an angled shim in place of the reed spacer to lessen the carb angle just slightly.

    Things I would like are......

    As much V-MAR Kit as possible, Various JITSIE bits, some Rev 4 plastics maybe get the frame done in black? Love the TRY-ALL bars and sprocket (although the sprockets are very pricey!)

    Probably a few other bits? May even put the V-Force reeds in the 07 soon, and future thoughts of perhaps the thinner base gasket and higher comp head?

  7. Where could I get to try one in the west midlands anyone please? I aint waiting for the Sherco 4T to get sorted. Time for a change :beer:

    :D This must be some sort of joke? all those comments about the Beta and no you have seen the light!

  8. Depends on the top clamp on there to be honest. If the bottom half of the bar clamp is removable you can buy the correct size clamps easy enough to swap over and put new fat bars in.

    If however (more likely) the top clamp is one piece with the bottom halves of the bar clamps you will need to either get it machined out? or you coould try fitting one from a 2007 model? Not sure if it will fit mind!

    Better still you could get a VERY nice VMAR one :D

  9. Mine have always just been slide together come apart nice and easy!

    I would guess someone has tried sealing them due to the O-rings being knackered? Personally would clean it all up but new seals and just slide all back together

  10. My brother had a shotgun cartridge thing he used in his pickup after he had two trucks stolen last year, works off a wire and has the same noise as a shotgun going off when triggered. Not 100% how legal it is in this country but i will ask him this week and where he got it from, all you would find in the morning would be your nice shiney bike still in place but a large pile of **** near the door.

    Could always spur off the garage ring main to the bike frame and wait for the lights to flicker, same thing in the morning, nice shiney bike still there but scorched chav welded to it

    Do you have any South African in your blood? :D

    Seriously though as stated alarms are cheap enough nowadays though most people will ignore these so if you are a deep sleeper then I think the shotgun thing Betarev3 is on about is a blank fireing gun as used in things like army cadets I guess? Or maybe an athletics style starter gun? hook it up to a trip wire should scare them and wake the neighbourhood up nicely

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