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Posts posted by barrybaines
  1. Unlike Barry i don't bend mine often so have no need to change... :)

    I'll have you know I haven't bent any bars for months now!!! (famous last words)

    But Renthalls did seem too bend very easy, Scott I don't know if your bar clamps are one peice with the top clamp or seperate items? if they are seperate perhaps a set of fat bars and clamps could be an idea? I know a few people don't like the feel of them but IMO they seem too take a lot of stress away from my wrists and forearms? either that or I'm just getting stronger wrists :thumbup:

  2. :o my plans have been foiled yet again!

    Not sure about that face though only been once befor and the run up if I remember rightly was a tad sketchy? just be playing tomorrow and making sure my old bike is running OK

    legs are just coming back too life now so hope too be ok'ish in the morning, either that or completely locked up?

  3. Thought I'd do a quick update after my first full weeks training!

    Well as the weather has been good I really pushed myself this week and have totted up 200.93 miles. 67 of which were today on my first long distance ride.

    Left Chepstow all the way up the A48 onto the A40 @ Gloucester and joined onto the A38 back down too Bristol then down through Olveston and back over the bridge.

    I am 100% knackered now and am gonna do bugger all till the morning bar breath....

    Perhaps I should choose a route with less hills? the 2 mile long 1 in 10 was a true killer

  4. Can any one advise on how often the silencer should be repacked and if it is recommended?

    I have an 07 250



    I repack my exhaust once every 6 moths or so and just use standard Roof Insulation Fibreglass it seems to work fine.

    I too have heard roof insulation is just as good. Does anyone have any evidence to prove this isn't the case?

    Nope but really how much do you think you are going too save?

    I bought a bag of the loose stuff from trialsbits I think it was a smaller bag than that and has done me two or three repacks already and have enough for another

  5. Great pics Barry :o spurred me on to get a better camera I recon sooner rather than later. You up for wales sunday?

    Not so sure now had a hefty electric bill hit the door mat this morning and the Bandit needs tax etc etc will have too see nearer the time but looking doubtfull at the mo :wall:

  6. Cheers everyone today especially Dad for the few tips and Justin for the Clutch lever :)

    Anyway I took around 120 pictures so will add a gallery or something tomorrow but I'll add a select few for now






    Thanks again too Just for driving me camera for a while too ;)

  7. Batteries on charge camera ready :) really looking forward too just watching!! lucky really as I haven't riden for about 3 weeks ;) anyway excuses over can't wait just hope I don't need too see the inside of any medical equiptment too early on?

  8. No I have a Giant Escape M1, basically a hybrid Mtb with road gearing and tyres I have started doing the 30 mile round trip too work which is going well.

    See how I get on with having too wake up at 5:30 all next week though as I am on earlys!!

    My Brother is doing it on a On One Il Pompino can't remember if he said he will be going single speed or Fixed ;) either way he has done it before in a time of 6 and a half hours I am sure too want too push this time :)

    Good luck on a full susser the Chriss!

  9. Well in a moment of madness I have agreed too do the Bristol too London cycle ride on August 26th, in fairness it is something I have wanted too do for a long time and the fitness thing will no doubt help out in trials riding (falling off) and it is a sponsored thing for charity so Please find some good within yourselves dig deep and click the sponsorship link in my signature

    P.S anyone else doing this?

  10. A point I forgot too mention on my post is that I have no other use for a car/van than too transport the bike other than perhaps a little bit of shopping?

    So if you have a family or people too cart about more then the rack/trailer could be a bit more convieniant.

  11. After a year of using a rack 90% of the time (sometimes get a lift with a trailer) I have had enough of the rack and am about too buy a van. Not only because I would feel a lot happier with the bike inside my vehicle whilst travelling and parked up, but it will also give me somewere too get changed in the rain etc.

    In my limited experiances the racks are a great convieniance tool, The trailer is a very good option but storing a trailer is a no no for me plus the bike is still outside a vehicle when parked/travelling and like I previously mentioned I like the idea of a dry haven from the Great British weather

  12. Rumour has it the 2007 Beta is much lighter feeling in the front end. Can anyone confirm this? does the new bike handle as well as the Sherco/Gas Gas from a manouverability/hopping perspective or is it still at a distinct disadvantage. I am on a 06 Beta, reluctantly thinking of switching to Sherco or Gas Gas for the handling, but there are no new 07's Beta's around here to try, to see if they are now comparable.

    Were are you? anywere near Chepstow? can have a go on mine if you want

  13. anyone know anything about these??


    Local guy in the states here is selling them, i don't mind supporting the local/small guy but I've never heard of them before. Maybe some of you euros are familiar with them ???

    I've not seen those before, they certainly look the part. I wonder what the price is?

    As for the waterproof thing;

    I have a pair of army surplus waterproof boot liners which I bought on Emud for

  14. As for the factory fitted kill switch,most poeple change them to a yammy style one - original one has reliablity issues

    My '07 cleverly uses the horn switch looks tidy and has been siliconed up! but my last one and the rest of the lads use a yam style one cant fault them

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