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Posts posted by barrybaines
  1. As far as your stand is concerneed I had the very same problem with my '04 250 (too close too disk) so I too removed it and if I am completely honest with you 95% of the time it was unusable anyway.

    Ever tried standing on a nail in the mud?

    However my '07 has the disk rotor gaurd in place which not only has a rubber stop for the stand too rest against but also keeps it well away from the rotor.

    As far as the tab too make it easier too "kick" down there isn't one as standard but I am sure if you really want too continue using it, it would be an easy enough job for anyone armed with a welder

  2. I think you may find unless you have even less fingers than me you should only ever really need ring compressors for 4t's

    The 2t Beta is easy too get the top end off and on as long as you know how everything fits

  3. Gee willikins!!! Makes 'The Widowmaker' from On And Sunday look like a slight lump on a main road!! I can't decide which is more dangerous - trying to ride, or trying to catch the bike/rider before they fall down the hill!! Totally nuts!!

    My exact thoughts when I watched it were "what are those pillocks doing trying too catch the idiots?"

  4. did you measure the spacers I have 2 spacers the same size

    and it was fitted one spacer and a steel washer on the non disc side.

    thats from new, wondering weather to take washer out, obiviosly there for a reason.

    will get new spacer made first , good old beta

    I'm a little confused? :thumbup: is the washer offending you? :thumbup:

  5. After cleaning my '06 250 Rev3 yesterday, I removed the flywheel cover and ran the engine for a few minutes as usual. The bike started fine and responded to throttle movements so I turned it off and left 'er out in the sun for half and hour or so to fully dry off the plastics. When I went to put it back in the garage, it started but immediately picked up a lot of revs and as soon as I cracked the throttle, it died and I haven't been able to start it since.

    I've pulled the flywheel and the woodruff key is fine. The stator looks immaculate (no signs of corrosion or evidence of moisture ingress at all).

    I've removed and cleaned the carb thoroughly.

    I pulled the plug and there's a decent spark although maybe not as strong as I'd expect. Hard to tell.

    I've checked the kill button and that seems to be OK.

    Any ideas where to look next?

    If it were me i'd be looking for water in the carb and was it cold (weather) when you washed the bike? If it ran fine up until you cleaning it the problems with water running down the throttle cable could be the answer. If it was cold on the day you cleaned it i know from experience water can freeze in the carb very quickly you'd get the same kind of symtoms you have said and this happened to me on a Montesa 315 .....best of luck what ever is causing it.

    Left out in the sun for half an hour sort of gives it away what the weather was like!!!

    Been sunny here all day but I would certainley not be out in shorts and t-shirt! in fact it was pretty damn cold

  6. "Sixty is the worst age to be," said the 60-year-old man. "You always

    feel like you have to pee and most of the time you stand there and

    nothing comes out."

    "Ah, that's nothin," said the 70-year-old. "When you're seventy, you

    don't have a bowel movement any more. You take laxatives, eat bran,


    on the toilet all day and nothin' comes out!"

    "Actually," said the 80-year -old, "Eighty is the worst age of all."

    Do you have trouble peeing, too?" asked the 60-year old.

    "No, I pee every morning at 6:00. I pee like a racehorse on a flat

    rock; no problem at all."

    "So, do you have a problem with your bowel movement?" "No, I have one

    every morning at 6:30."

    Exasperated, the 60-year-old said, "You pee every morning at 6:00 and

    crap every morning at 6:30. So what's so bad about being 80?"

    "I don't wake up until 7:00"

  7. Should be changing the gearbox oil quite frequently anway.

    I used too do my '04 once a month or there abouts when I was using it every weekend

    And my '07 have been advised around every 20 hours

  8. should be able (just) too start that one off with your fingers, can't remember exactley how I did mine but may of been that I started with that one first? just too start it?

    Then as you say a ball ended allen key is essential :D

  9. It really should be quite easy make sure you have the rings in the correct place with locating pin in the gap

    have the piston at BDC you should be able too get the barrel over the first one then check the second ones position squeeze with finger and thumb and barrel on?

    I assume here that you took the rings off the piston and cleaned all the crap out from the ring slots?

  10. prices on parts broken i'm dreading to find out when mine gets damaged

    Wow!!! Good old Beta must be doing this too pay for the development of the 4t! :D previous rev 3 gaurds cost about

  11. So how should I handle the topics on here saying "Where can I find somewhere to practice in xxxxxxx?" Type a reply saying in order to protect practice areas we don't discuss these things openly on this site, close the topic and allow people to PM them if they want? I'm happy to do that if that's what people want.

    I for one think this could be the best way too go :D

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