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Posts posted by barrybaines
  1. Thanks Jimmy, I think I need a 2ft high log to add in.

    So far i've got a clover leaf of marker cones, on a slope.

    A small 8 ft railway sleeper that has stabilisers. Sidesection.jpg

    A diagonal rocker pallet (Pallet wired to a pine post), good for practicing small front wheel hops and stopping for the rock, or holding pressure off.

    Along with a few slopes of varying gradient between 5-60ft joined by a a 50cm wide, zig zag path, cut through the paddock. 10 Railway sleeper steeps on there edge, is one of my tougher challenges TheSteps.jpg. Back to work on some more. BackHillSection.jpgTheBank.jpgFrontYardSection.jpg

    What's this like for training terrain?



    Looks brilliant to me! and if you can ride up them railway sleeper steps I'd say you are ready for your novice trial (as long as they are something like ours in the South West of the UK

  2. yes i can notice otherwise i would not bother myself.

    and sure i want to be world best rider...even maybe in the next life...so i need do training on proper prepared bike ;)

    Best get changing all your bolts spindles etc to the highest grade titanium then!

  3. Do you have more than one spirit level on the bike to make sure it is completely level? And have you noticed that all other manufacturers bikes are heavier than the Gas Gas?

  4. Where are you?

    Round these parts you will have a fair amount of room on a novice section, 4 foot perhaps? you will most likely at this time of the year find som slippy cambered turns and small to medium climbs on the slippy stuff, perhaps the odd log but nothing that should cause much concern as long as you can lift the front wheel over them (maybe 2 foot? probably less) the same goes for rocks.

    But your main tests will be the cambered turns on the snotty stuff.

    Good luck on the first trial, and remember to relax and have fun ;)

  5. Oh my god... Paying to advertise... Christ on a bike (with oil company stickers of course).

    Don't put stickers on your bike unless you are getting summink fer nowt.... or at least cheap...

    Buying stickers now that is silly. :shutup:

    My current SXS ones have saved many a rock marks from my frame, swing arm and fork legs so they do me proud, maybe when I am good enough not to ride like a fool I will stop trying to protect my bike?

  6. Right my parents now live up in Scotland (Fochabers) near Inverness and I am off up there for a week in February (15th to 24th) I plan on taking the camera up with me and would like to be able to get out and have a look at the trials scene up there.

    So if any of you lot know of a decent trial on up that direction between 16th and 23rd of Feb could you let me know :thumbup:

    much appreciated

  7. The problem is with my son's TXT50 which sits in the boot of the LandCruiser. Have tried putting a stand under the sump - ratchet to front forks and one over the seat.

    Am I right in thinking that someone sells a kind of brace to wedge ontop of the front wheel to stop the forks compressing too much?

    This might be the answer to my troubles!

    Cheers - matt.

    You mean like THIS

  8. Where are these silver carbon bit,s on SXS, been checking this web site for weeks for new beta bits, inparticular new decals for the beta

    I think he is away for a little while, give him a shout next week some time and I'm sure he will let you know when the parts will be available

  9. For my road helmets I have always stuck with AGV as they fit my head pretty much perfect and in them I have now had a few size M's but I have only ever had one trials helmet, being an Airoh in a L 59-60 which fits me perfectly also ( I had the pleasure of trying the sizes on)

    If you honestly can't try them on could you do a deal with the seller to send you two sizes out and you return the wrong one? Obviously you may loose a bit on postage but you only have one head.

    On his part if they are unsure of the option leave them you card details they obviously have your address so that should all be fine?

  10. Why did you accept it? surely you should phone up whoever it was you bought it from and demand a straight one and make them arrange for a secure delivery for the new one. Also this should be their problem to arrange or at least cover the costs of the returned faulty part?

  11. when itook the filler cap of my coolant today inoticed there was white milky patches on the top. ichanged and refilled but when i ran the bike for about ten minutes and took cap of again the top of the coolant had gone white again. any suggestions would be appreciated.thanks

    May be worth dropping the gearbox oil and have a look at that as well, may be the oil emulsifying (sp?) with water if so find the leak between the two before to much damage is done

  12. Thanks chaps, some great images there and quite a lot to look through and so that is my next job now! Not many crash ones though... :shutup:

    * i think Barry has to be one of the images!!*

    What one of my pictures or one of my `moments` :o If you can't find a decent crash moment from r2ws gallery of me I'm sure we could find a good one somewere (there is always the next ride)

    Although depending what it is you are using them for my bike horizontal over my head is always a winner :o

  13. Think the original of this made that weekly paper!




    Sod it I'm tired and there are too many I personally like in my collection so have a look round HERE at your leisure and give me a shout if you like anything.

    P.S Ignore the pictures of me dressed as a woman :shutup:

  14. Thought the title of this looked a bit risky, and yep I was right! Why do you want stronger wrists? Is one of yours falling behind :shutup:

    I used to own one of them things and to be honest they are quite good I was using it for when I used to fly power kites (before I went harness and bar) But at the same time you just keep finding yourself trying to outdo others scores! And be warned this can be dangerous as you try to hard and the thing flys out of your tired hand

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