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Everything posted by barrybaines
  1. loads of topics on this un and if memory serves me right the most popular and cost effective is some Upvc or summit from a window supplier seems too be indestructable and very popular from the people on here
  2. Believe it or not I can still only afford too rent! and I will now have too bike it too work whatever the weather! sod paying the bridge fee everyday! did a test run yesterday on the bandit and another today on the cycle great fun either way.......... What we do just for a sport hey? hopefully all will go well and i`ll be mid table in no time! ( easy route of course )
  3. Very lucky! my closest place is tiny! But after a long hard think I have decided too relocate myself first thing next year over yonder bridge and make the commute too work just too have a little more play time on the bike Oh and I can get a much nicer place over there!
  4. very nice and i`m guessing this isn`t the welsh quarry?
  5. Cheers mate! and really I am that bad!
  6. Grey and Yellow was 97 is the tank a bit Browny grey? Lisa that was the same as my old one so the info should be just right for you
  7. My disc one always seem fine (saying that now they`ll all bloody go next ride!). Worst ones on my bike for self extraction are the ones that conect the removeable frame struts too the frame besides the rad! bloody nightmare always coming undone no matter what strength of loctite I use! oh and the rear brake pedal
  8. Here you go hope this helps
  9. I do but think all these jokes about someone so special, or in fact anyones untimely death a little sad
  10. Top advice! and something i`d of done when younger Just all goes bad when the old man picks it up and looks at you! then it`s time too start running!
  11. very nice what camera are you using?
  12. I personally don`t know or haven`t looked for a shop but try google for paintball masks?
  13. funny story and nice too hear of friendly security at an airport for once!
  14. where are the tickets available from?
  15. my only suggestion and what i`d do is to slowly go back through the steps of how you put them together in reverse checking all the circlips and springs etc are seated correctly
  16. What grade oil did you use? do you know what grade was in there before? just a thought
  17. Barry the clothing hasnt changed since last yr. I will enquire of all the prices and post them here when i get them It`s changed compared too the stuff I own and hadn`t looked at the clothing side on the site before! but many thanks for pointing out my stupidity And I look forward too seeing the price`s
  18. Hmm wonder how much that center box is? New clothing looks good too!
  19. Nice one! this is a great service you are providing especially the repeat one, as I always seem too be on afternoons the week it is shown!
  20. very nice now can you bring all that terrain and weather back here too South West England?
  21. what a great rant from a new member!
  22. what car are you trying too insure?!? I`m not a parent or owt but now that Admiral are usualy very good or there sister companys Bell or Elephant
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