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Posts posted by barrybaines
  1. .... and if you do you know i will say "nah, missed it... do it again" :D

    Even when i get a perfect shot i say that as you try that bit harder and generally land in a bigger heap or hit something with more force :D

    After nearly two years you would of thought I wouldn't fall for that so often would you!

  2. I'm sure heath will eventually get a burst of shots when Barry has perfected the technique. from the pictorial evidence here click um linky the foot off first method of dismounting might just give him enough time to get his hand down to turn petrol off before the bike tries to take more of his digits away :D

    ps I take it the paw is all healed up by now Barry

    Haha yep all healed now but this is its first winter so is a bit tender for the first 30 minutes or so till the blood starts to circulate a bit, next time I am up Nettleton or anywere I can find a nice transition I shall see if I can do a mid air fuel turn off! If nothing else it should produce a good shot :D

  3. Lets not fall out Barry but have a look back to the lime green beta thread.

    Was my picture thankyou.

    This one isn't mine but I'm pretty sure I know who's it is.

    Scenario: you want to use your mates bike for the day do you ask or just go and take it?

    As for the picture Hovis it is actually quite funny.

  4. Anyone know where i can buy some top trial team beta clothing as my other half her indoors as offered to buy me for christmas! or should i say i will be buying it myself as she is allways in my wallet!

    For T shirts and the like try HERE for actual riding gear there is some very good ON OFF gear to be found HERE

    I have the ON OFF jersey and am very pleased with it

  5. Update time..just had 5 mins on my bike, on the drive and I am very relieved..smooth and torquey at the bottom end..oh, and so quiet I can hear the clutch and primary gears! :(

    Thanks again TC people..as Vinny said..gentlemen,it's been emotional ! :wall:

    Glad to hear it :beer: Is it time for another bath with the bike now then?

  6. what do you mean by aftermarket stuff ?

    i did not think you could get aftermarket mudgaurds, flywheel covers sticker kits etc. for the beta?

    Not aftermarket plastics or covers but there are sticker kits and other stuff, have a stroll round HERE

  7. I was also told by the dude who was repairing the 4rt with the broken engine case that the cases are matched pairs and you've got to buy new ones as a pair??? :wall:

    hope thats not true!!!

    Sounds expensive. :(

    As with ALL engines crankcases should be bought as a pair as they would have been machined as a pair so as the cylinder face is as near perfect as possible, start buying unmatched pairs and you could run into problems

  8. My son has been on at me since October to get him a bloody bike I was thinking about the pw50 or even an lt50 quad off ebay, but the problem with them is they 're petrol engines and where i live its a concrete jungle. Added to this the only areas for the local kids are recreation grounds and my thinking an electric bike might be acceptable at the recreation grounds the general public and dog walkers alike use when he'll be visually looking more like a cyclist than motorcyclist donning bicycle protective gear, and i might even attached BIG TED to the handlebars. :thumbup: Anyway, after all his nagging a 16inch Oset has just arrived. I'm not unpacking it until christmas day because he also likes to build/put things together and part of this (motorbike) experience will be to build the bike with me. He will be 5yrs old next february and perhaps this will get him off my case and off bikes or end this constant moaning. I know this is a little selfish of me but if he looses interest then i'll get my riding back, if not i'm going to be doing a lot of walking and picking up of this bike. The Oset dealer said the bikes will be included in a new motor vehicle class in the ACU regs, anyone heard this? Should me son get the bike bug i maybe entering him in events around the country in the next year or some, it would be good to see how any of your kids are progressing and as my son becomes better i'll try and post some video's on here. So he's 5 next birthday, the question is what age will he be outriding dad? ;) Just going back to the ACU and a trophy name of 'The ACU Youth Electric Bike Winner' sounds good, know doubt all pie in the sky from the Oset dealer this advice.

    Good on you and sounds like you have a great rider on your hands in the near future. Building his own bike at age 5 is surely worthy of video/photo photage to show him at teenage years when a real life job is far to much hard work. Or better still will give him the bug to carry on the passion and become a better rider than Atomant by age 6 :D

    If that is true about the ACU then I think they have seriously upped the bar on our UK riders future and I do hope its true

    Good luck and I look forward to hearing the success storys to follow

  9. I might actually make a Zona one trial soon to observe if nothing else!

    Hope you both get better soon and Alex get eating them onions I hear they make bones heal quick time :D

    Where do I sign up for the first aid training?

    Hahaha how are you?

    Long time no see

    Ye well what happened with the other onions don't think that

    I will be eating them hahaha

    Not bad ta. How long you out of action for then? will it affect your standings at all?

  10. When was the last time any of this maintenance was done? Fork oil changes are often overlooked and can/will make a huge difference. not totally sure on the oil weight you should be using (probably 5) but if the springs are a bit worn or if you prefer a slightly stiffer fork try a 7.5 or even 10? trial and error I guess!

    As for the bearings could well be worth having a good look to check for any obvious wear, if all is OK you will certainly loose nothing by putting it all back together packed with a decent waterproof grease.

  11. I don't really understand. The flywheel is not needed for the stator to make the electricity, and in this way to appear spark at the plug?

    I don't really think that after completely removing the flywheel, the bike will start, because there will be no spark.

    Or I am misunderstanding something?

    Or you want only to machine some weight off, and to leave the flywheel on the bike?

    In the UK the Beta has an aditional bolted on weight (for the mud I guess) so he is only talking about removing this weight. I know at least one TC member that has a selection of machined down ones he swaps between depending on ride location.

    Personally whenever I get on a bike with the weight on I end up 20-30 metres further than I want to be due to the roll on effect at the top of a climb etc. Obviously this can be very amusing for bystanders but not so for the bike owner :D

    Take it off give it a go, try it with both types of throttle tube. A very cheap and easy way to get your bike feeling just how you like it. Be warned though give each and every combination a good months trial before writing it off as they all take a while to get used too.

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