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Everything posted by barrybaines
  1. Well today was all going so well then I tired myself out a bit so had a break for a while, In came the rain so I got riding again too keep warm and trying some pretty big steps/climbs and staying happy with my riding again but as the day drew on we made our way back up towards where I wrecked my wheel last week. I really should have known I was completely knackered but there was a nice step pointed too me and I thought balls too it lets have a go then why oh why did I do that! didn`t get the front wheel up any where near enough and you guessed it I now have a nice flat spot on my brand new rim Hopefully this will dress out with my mate the hammer tomorrow I`d like too point out that after I tried this Atomant had a go and after a few goes got up there with a one which pushed R2w into doing the same fair play guys and all in was a real good day again
  2. That was such a nice location and a very nice little jump/climb Heath found me best photo in my opinion from there is This one And Heath.. Shut up! there are a FEW pictures of me still attached too the bike
  3. Good stuff now lets hope for at least a ten minute period of dryness
  4. Calm down now people are you all trying too kill me?
  5. we`re off too Wales all being well but not heard from Heath yet today! Outlaw Dave if you have a camera that means Heath has no excuse not too ride good stuff
  6. Jez @ Haven trialsport for putting himself out so much to get me my new front wheel ready for the weekend Not only was it a great price but he`s also a great guy and did a lot just too get me mobile again (perhaps he enjoys seeing the carnage?) Again my thanks go out and I`ll happily deal with those guys again
  7. Poof! but I seem too have a photo of you on it too Heath! looks more like you bought it than me? Heath on the PINK bike!
  8. Funny funny man! at least I haven`t snapped anything real big and expensive on mine yet!
  9. barrybaines

    Daily Checks

    I empty mine after every ride just too be sure plus it eliminates any possible flooding/starting problems for your next ride and gives you and idea if any crap is getting through your filter. And its only a 30 second job
  10. if your gonna abuse me at least spell the name right!!! P.s you should check your names not on the peice of paper you leave anon notes on peoples cars too
  11. A woman was shopping at her local supermarket where she selected: 2 litres of low fat milk, a carton of eggs, 2 litres of orange juice, a head of lettuce, half a dozen tomatoes, a 500g jar of coffee, a 250g pack of bacon. As she was unloading her items on the conveyor belt to check out, a drunk standing behind her watched as she placed the items in front of the cashier. While the cashier was ringing up her purchases, the drunk calmly stated,"You must be single." The woman was a bit startled by this proclamation, but she was intrigued by the derelict's intuition, since she was indeed single. She looked at her six items on the belt and saw nothing particularly unusual about her selections that could have tipped off the Drunk to her marital status. Curiosity getting the better of her, she said, "Well, you know what, you're absolutely correct. But how on earth did you know that?" The drunk replied, "Cos you're f***ing ugly."
  12. barrybaines

    Daily Checks

    you already do more than me. But one thing I do on my rev 3 after every ride is empty/clean the carb out
  13. How they don`t get sued amazes me! Could you imagine even thinking about doing that over here! or over there in the US
  14. excellent where did you find that beauty? i`m gonna have too look for that now!
  15. well my last atempt at scratching the frame turned out too just be dirt and stone on top of the frame and came off nice and easy!!! just had a quick first play with the quick action on and it seems a lot better in the limited space I have too play in out back! Now then 3 sets of Renthalls out in the bin how long will these Apico ones last?!? i`m told not very but am hoping they will last till I can source some Pro-Tapers! anyone know of a supplier?
  16. someone else has been on about the kill switch recently in this forum a couple down from this thread, think its for an `06 but should be roughly the same
  17. thats so bad I must forward it too my whole address book!!!
  18. Why are Gas Gas and Sherco sold after only one year - perhaps the owners know after a couple of years they are worn out? I know a lot of people that go by the theory of it`s just as cost effective too trade in every year than too replace worn parts so if they were too sell privatley then buy new this would be even more cost effective no? By the way this is not something I do nor can I afford too but I know it happens a lot
  19. You can again see the personallity clash between the young and old in this topic! but i`m sure if there was a big enough market for a cheap twinshock someone would make one, unfortuanatly however I don`t think this will ever happen unless there is a strange time warp? The idea of a cheapo modern trials machine too me seems senseless mirrored by everyone elses comments about the life spam of such a machine! why bother you`d have too break the thing in and by then its worthless, or for the new price of said bike you could buy a just broke in bike and not worry about the re sale value! Just my mid 20 opinion on this un
  20. barrybaines

    06 Beta 250

    ... this from a man who throws his 250 rev3 over his head very frequently, and he still has the black slow action throttle on !!!!! well its just a list of optional extras!!!! plus my problem isn`t a power issue just one of over commitment oh just about too order my new bars and with it will come a quick action throttle tube! As far as i`m aware he hasn`t yet got them, but should be on the way soon
  21. barrybaines

    06 Beta 250

    flywheel weight off high compression head factory front pipe quick action throttle diff reeds
  22. from the pictures the headlight looks very much the 02 colours! obviously this could just be an addition but def worth checking the frame number with the Beta-uk site
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