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Everything posted by barrybaines
  1. Hmm one of those has been in need for a lttle while now! was gonna wait for the 07 but that looks too far off for now so now the decision what colours do I want it too go? do I get the 06 shape stuff and get it customized? i`m just not sure?
  2. thats def the 05 clothes on it check the colour of the shock as they seem too change as per year too or better still check the frame number against THIS chart that`ll make sure of what year it actually is
  3. I don`t think he`s selling it quite yet but you never know! plus his is a 270!
  4. I now need too buy my fourth set of handlebars in around the three month marker!!!! bloody renthall cr*p!
  5. yep check it has some rebound and look for oil around the seal
  6. Check the rear shock is ok as if knackered could be a very costly repair
  7. well I have a box of ten spare in the boot at all times and a plug spanner but if she`s running as sweet as usual I don`t feel the need too change it
  8. Mate I swear too god your bike is cursed or summit I`ve not changed my plug since I bought the bike and that was around April I believe!!!! out today 3 hours no worries what you want too do is swap it with a nice `04 250
  9. I was just about too place a healthy bid when I read it doesn`t come with engines and although I do work for R-R I don`t think I could smuggle all the bits out!!! Ah well would of been fun trying too through that thing round like I do my bike
  10. I like this thread and it`s strange how you can kind of tell the older riders from the younger ones! I personally love the hopping and jumping skill in trials (shame I can`t do it!) and too be honest that and a bit of the good old eurosport coverage is pretty much what got me into it only this year! I can see also that progression in any sport HAS too happen too keep it alive what with bike technolodgy progressing year on year and rider skill level will always increase too meet these expectations as long as they are brought in at the same rate of pace as the technolodgy. The issue is if you push this balance one way or the other too soon you WILL end up with injurys that could put the whole sport into the wrong type of publicity especially if it was one of our many up and coming British youth riders! Well theres my take on this! only ment too write two lines!
  11. Heath did any of my video expertise come out any good?
  12. I didn`t catch it all but we seen the tail end of it and it looked very much like all the toys went out of the pram! followed by lots of shouting the bike being thrown on the floor and more shouting and hand waving a few tears, A angry tear off of the score card and stormed into the Montesa pits and more arm waving
  13. You got some good pic`s there Jack and you must of been soaked by the end of it too get those pics of the podium
  14. "Oooh if only Bou could see me now i`m sure he`d be mine "
  15. That un`s come out nice Heath was it the D1?
  16. Yep cheers all and was nice too see a small supply of beers!!!!! Cheers Andy for organising such a great get together and thanks too all for the great welcome and a fantastic weekend
  17. Like I said I just knew they sold the WES silencers at BVM so may be worth giving them a call or an email too see if they can get what you require? Allways worth a phone call
  18. HERE you go Edit: seems too be lacking in the wireing diagrams tho!
  19. I'll be there from Friday lunchtime. R2W and his mob arriving some time Friday afternoon and a few others I know of will be there. We will keep an eye out for the scooby with mx tyres then!!, is Heath still drivin that old Chavalier? Sure is but I beleive he`s blagged a lift with Tony? not 100% on that but i`ll be there shortly after them in a blue Vectra
  20. Wow I feel much better about my riding now i`ve seen all these!
  21. Hahaha! another over 40 then hey mate? Happy birthday if i`m right!
  22. As for the WES exhaust I now they stock them Here at BVM If there is nothing you want there gotta be worth a phone call too see if they can get one? And these people seem too focus on the older bikes and are EXCELLENT service Trialsbits Hope this helps
  23. I`m very interested in this thread as I believe that there are many younger riders out there who may be missing out due too parents just not being able too afford everything, I know this is a relativley cheap motorsport but when you are talking championships and the like then the travelling gets a lot more, so does the likes of training etc etc. I can at the same time see the issue with giving cash as an award too the competitor (look at the pop stars for example or soap stars under 18 they get paid but cannot touch it untill such age) Now I beleive that too be a legal issue not 100% but it`s along those lines. Surely however as someone else has mentioned before hand if the money could be put towards the likes of fuel tockens? there must be some form of a loop whole too allow this? And I also agree on the point that this should be an optional thing dependant on the family involved? someone out there may be a little better off and much prefer the trophy. Ramble over and looking back at it I only hope you catch my drift
  24. barrybaines

    Rev 3 Flooded

    As with all the other Beta carb threads I can only suggest doing the carb mods found on the R2w page click my sig and have a look around. Although what I have seen of recent threads is there seems too be a few `06s that this doesn`t appear too cure the problems with? Good luck and I hope you get it sorted as I am a true beleiver in the Rev3 being an excellent bike IF and WHEN you can iron out these little niggles (luckily I have!)
  25. Too clear this up too everyone else on here as far as I know the only way Heath nows the colour of my boxers is by the way of stalking! and some of you may agree the way he has commented on some of my posts recently that maybe I should think of gettin a body guard!
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