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Everything posted by barrybaines
  1. of course I am but wasn`t willing too try it mid trial after alreadsy breaking eveything!!!!!!!!!!!! ooh got that breather pipe for us now hope you like PINK!!!!!!
  2. OK sound job will take them on then! and yep i`ll try the quick action throttle soon must remember too order one!
  3. correct sorry I may have forgot too report that mine was normal I think we either had a strange one in our mates 06 or he was half asleep when he done it!!!! But WOW glad I`ve done it although it has made me a little power mad now, just need more!
  4. As i`ve never owned a gasser either I couldn`t comment on experiance just from what i`ve heard from friends and yes the gasser is lighter and possibley better for the trick rider but the Beta IMHO is easier too look after ( and beleive me I abuse mine!!!!) and i`m told they track far better prob that extra weight and the lack of linkage just keeps it that bit more settled Best advice I could give though is go try one!
  5. depends on your budget mate but personally from what you`ve said hold out for the beta 200
  6. Although i`ve never personally rode one I have heard a lot of good things about the Beta rev 3 200cc may be a good stepping stone for you and I can pretty much garuantee a Rev 3 will progress your riding so much! just an amazing bike! I have an 04 250 but weigh enough more than you for it too make a differnce! Just my thoughts on this `un i`m sure there will be lots of gasser owners that disagree! Oh and I wouldn`t go for the Scorpa personally
  7. Few I don`t feel so stupid now!
  8. barrybaines

    Rev3 03

    Admission too all the excuses!!!!!
  9. have you had a look at the parts diagramme HERE but i`d say if your doing such a big job then removing the clutch would not only be a must but also a quick job in comparisson too the rest of the procedure? like the whole of the other side?
  10. I think he had the question marks after his 6) due too you having two 4)`s rather than a 6) oops!
  11. Yep we all need too see more effort into looping it from all the r2w lot!!! take some pressure off me! Not sure if i`d break it mind but may come out a tad boring as 95% of the time I come off ok! apart from that hanging upside down in a tree by my leg bit the other day of course!!!
  12. I beleive this too be a common problem for the gassers but trialcast do a nice chain guard jobby too prevent the boot damage click HERE Seems odd as the Gas Gas chain runs on the left-hand side of the bike woops but in relation too what he said I was guessing it was the chain!!! ah well
  13. I beleive this too be a common problem for the gassers but trialcast do a nice chain guard jobby too prevent the boot damage click HERE
  14. Well the Baines plan is clean lube drain cover, but knowing me and my riding style there is usually a fist full of repairs too join that short list!!!! as i`m sure many of you have heard!!!!! But my excuse is if I didnt break it now and replace it with new nice stuff who knows if it`d fail mid ride!!
  15. Right i`m seriously worried about you now Heath!
  16. Surely that all depends who the favours are for though!
  17. I bought a box of ten BPR5ES for just over a tenner not too long back, But I do have access too a wholesalers!
  18. I think we`ll leave this one here now! could get out of control when we talk about how much of my money you`ve spent for me
  19. it`s ok I seem too have someone willing too stand staring into muddy water for hours on end too find the missing bits now
  20. Ah well this has now been removed it would seem!
  21. Right just too let anyone who is wondering know my 2004 weight screws were normal threaded. Job done, now too see how much differnce its gonna make!
  22. I thought that the other day I must change mine as his was there first sorry about that!
  23. A little game too have fun with!
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