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Everything posted by barrybaines
  1. i`m pretty sure it is the same as ml ......................... yep a quick google search and i`m right!
  2. And at the same time bugger up the mains and seals!!!! think i`ll wait for a sensible answer on that one cheers Heath! And I notice you are now starting on the throttle tube abuse too? my bike is completely standard at the moment and you know that I can still manage too make the thing fly well and truly out of control!!!!!
  3. Cheers Stu But i`m still none the wiser on which hand thread these screws are?
  4. Right the time has come and i`m gonna give my bike a little more life! But speaking to a couple of the R2W guy`s yesterday and there seems too be a little confusion as too the thread on the screws, is it a left or right hand thread? I don`t really want to go at it the wrong way just in case I shear one off!!! that would be a nightmare Any help is greatly appreciated as usual
  5. I must admit these are great but this is where it all starts!!! you buy one nice new shiney bit then you think oh that would look nice and finally you are skint!!!!!!
  6. Hi mate welcome too the tc life! and yeah very nice site and some real good video clips, must say i`m not sure on the `thunder` but you have my votee with the QOTSA track!
  7. barrybaines


    I recently sold my Grey/Yellow Easy which was confirmed by frame number too be a `97 and engine parts are readily available still from `The Rotax Man` advertised in the back of T&mx usually and HERE is his website P.S. I part ex`d mine in for my 04 Rev 3 and got
  8. If your still stuck I have a parts diagram/book for the 1997 scorpa Easy well it`s for the Engine but I have this and the Technical data sheets also
  9. And if they all looked like the cocept here i`m sure they`d sell loads!
  10. At a guess i`d say he means An NGK BPR5ES or BP5ES I use the first of the two with good results
  11. Is this all in aid of Hawkstone? I hope not anyway!
  12. I flooded mine when I first had it and wore myself and a few others out trying too start it!!! R2w stripped it too an extent in the carpark and mine also seemed too have little too no spark but with fresh legs and no plug in another r2w rider had a few kicks then tried again with the plug in and all has been well since! Tip do the carb mods and don`t leave the fuel on over night and definatley don`t leave the fuel on when in transit!!!!
  13. cheers peeps! did feel very good I must admit apart from the time I winded myself on the bars coming at me a lot quicker than anticapated!!! now all I need is something else too fear in the back of my mind maybe the one at aggshill? (sod that!)
  14. nope I don`t think so I just bent mine just the little bit they rest on of course and what with it being brass this is very easy to do and they don`t really ever come under any strain and brass is very maleable (sp?) so will not cause any stress problems within the material
  15. Good lad that is some pretty awsome looking stuff on there!
  16. Hi, me and Heath (R2w) were thinking of doing the trial listed in the T&mx for this Sunday 2nd July but when R2w phoned the number and spoke too the organiser he insisted it was on Saturday!?!?! Does anyone know any differnt as we are slightly confused due too this being in the last 3 issues of the T&mx as being on the 2nd???? any help appreciated Barry
  17. In that case, this might be up your street. Boat Trip Banned - Yep Funny man!
  18. Yep I downloaded it fine (thanks for putting the link there PA.) opened it first just too have a look no probs then decided it would be getting saved so right clicked on the rev link save link as.. job done
  19. cheers for them there are some great clips in there
  20. Go have a read of this topic. Trials Central Supporter. And turn your caps off
  21. I know on the bigger machines BVM sell the AJP kits that includes the piston and seals I believe for just over 11 quid HTH
  22. sounds like too much air too me
  23. I thought about self abuse earlier too get in before you done but thought na!!! wish I had now!!!! I been thinking about what you said about the seal and it really doesn`t make much logical sense? Think about it..... no matter how the oil goes into the system its only ever going too put pressure on the pistons/seals one way no? Just a thought
  24. Now that made me laught the most outta that joke! (i`m half Scottish by the way!)
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