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Posts posted by barrybaines
  1. >It is just before Scotland v Brazil at the next World Cup Group game.

    > Ronaldino goes into the Brazilian changing room to find all his

    > teammates looking a bit glum.


    > "What's up?" he asks.


    > "Well, we're having trouble getting motivated for this game. We know

    > it's important but it's only Scotland. They're sh*te and we can't be

    > bothered."


    > Ronaldino looks at them and says "Well, I reckon I can beat these by

    > myself, you lads go down the pub."


    > So Ronaldino goes out to play Scotland by himself and the rest of the

    > Brazilian team go off for a few jars. After a few pints they wonder how

    > the game is going, so they get the landlord to put the teletext on. A

    > big cheer goes up as the screen reads:


    > Brazil 1 - Scotland 0 (Ronaldino 10minutes).


    > He is beating Scotland all by himself, anyway, a few more pints later

    > and the game is forgotten until someone remembers "It must be full time

    > now, let's see how he got on." They put the teletext on.


    > Result from the Stadium Brazil 1 (Ronaldino 10 minutes) - Scotland 1

    > (Angus

    > 89 minutes).


    > They can't believe it, he has single handedly got a draw against

    > Scotland!!

    > They rush back to the Stadium to congratulate Ronaldino. They find him

    > in the dressing room, still in his gear, sat with his head in his hands.


    > He refuses to look at them. "I've let you down, I've let you down."


    > "Don't be daft, you got a draw against Scotland, all by yourself. And

    > they only scored at the very, very end!"


    > "No, No, I have, I've let you down... I got sent off after 12 minutes."

  2. I`ve got too say as a relative new comer too the sport I do occasionally get worried about injury so don`t mind the easier stuff but at the same time the last trial I done was quite a challenge (my first normal route) and although I droped a lot of points I can easily say it was my best trial too date.

    Ok I voted 50/50 but that is mainly dependent on terrain that the course is set out on. Say for example it was all wet slushy mud and wet logs i`d prefer it too be a bit more relaxed, but if it was all streams and rocks/steps I enjoy the challenge!

    Hope that makes sense but this is obviously all due too my preferances and riding style I guess

  3. you are invited.... we need a bigger tent if you need to fit in as well.... and i reckon you will crash the tent and break something as well smile.gif

    most probably! on a serious note though I was gonna bring my tent anyway whiich if you beleive the label its a 3 man but its a comfortable 1 man and a 2 man at a push

    so if thats ok as well Andy that`d be another tent and car

  4. Is anyone here going too Hyde park tomorrow? more specific the inner circle? just want too know if anyone is in knowledge of the parking situation? and would be cool too meet some of you that I haven`t already?

  5. put a bit of soapy water around the bead then inflate too anything up too around 75psi the tyre will easily take it and when it pops on the bead I usualy leave it at that pressure for a couple of minutes then deflate too around 35 over night and then put too your prefferd pressure

    Barry :thumbup:

  6. I have been led too beleive ATF ( automatic trans fluid) is the best thing for these beasts and is what I use along with most of the Beta owners in the R2wtrials clan I beleive! and have great results, plus it`s cheap!

    As for your slight drag as Markymark has said I would take this as normal on the stand I`ve not come across many bikes that you can put on a stand in gear with the engine running and stop the wheel with just the clutch, as long as you can stop with the brake and the engine isn`t stalling or trying too stall too much then all should be well

    As for your adjustment I think you`ll find your main adjustment up on the lever that little adjuster screw with lock nut, wind him in or out mainly for your bite point adjustment more than anything though

  7. Hi Mike

    If your vice is too small, a large G clamp and two blocks of 75 x 50 timber about 250 long usually works for me.


    Yep this is my method use a large `G` clamp with the static side and a peice of timber covering just over the rim (spreads the load and something too push against) then another peice of timber on the screw side but just before the rim (sat on top of it you would) then slowly tighten clamp watching everything is in the right place then hey presto of the bead she goes!

    Another way of re-seating if you are like me and don`t like spending money is too put a ratchet strap around the circumferance of the tyre and tighten just enough to spread the tyre and inflate


  8. ah ok maybe I should explain my idea a little more then! you could put a very thin layer of foam on the inside or just a thick material? and then glue the cap into the boot using something like evo stick impact glue?

    Anyway it`s not something i`d ever do personally but just an idea taken from someone elses thoughts? i`ve never personally had too many problems with crushing my toes, but do get many cuts and bruises all over my body from my through your self at it riding style!!! but I don`t think a full suit of armour would look quite right <_<

  9. I dunno about trial boots but you do see people wearing builders boots with steel toe caps, sort of a light brown color

    problem there is the ONLY protection you then have is steel toe caps no ankle support or shin protection etc plus as an ex wearer of these boots ( for work reasons) they are somewhat of a loose fit, I think you would have a lot more troubles riding with these than its worth.

    Although you can pick up said rigger boots fairly cheap most places and for that fact any steal toe caps are cheap maybe it`d be worth having a go at disecting a pair to see if you could slip the toe caps into your current boots? maybe this will only work with worn/ streched boots but a thought none the less?

  10. I have just had a very similar problem (without the flames!) with my Rev 3 and after stripping the caliper down found one of the pistons had a very slight mark on it plus the seals were past best so I had a quick look and found the whole kit (4 pistons with seals and the little `o` ring center seal) for the AJP caliper here for a very good price ( scroll down a bit)easy enough job but a bit of a ball ache bleading the thing by yourself!

    HTH Barry

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