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Posts posted by barrybaines
  1. You need to do a theory yes, think you need to do this before you book your training so you can go ahead and do your test straight after the training whilst all is still fresh.

    As with all tests this is easy enough so long as you have a good read up on all the rules, regs, road signs etc. And pay attention at the test not trying to rush through it!

    The bike test itself is again fun as long as you relax and do as advised :blink:

  2. Just a thought. I thought that the power limit was actually based on power to wieght ratio with 33bhp just being a guide.

    I could be wrong, anyone know for sure?

    If you are 17 or over you can do a restricted "full test" that will limit you to 33BHP for 2 years ( I wasn't informed of any power to weight ratio at the time I done mine 08/2000) But if you are 21 or over you can do a "direct access" course allowing you to ride any size bike upon passing the test.

    As far as lesons go I done mine after riding a 50cc for a year on the old CBT in a 4 day course, which was 3 days training then the test on the 4th.

    Great fun was the order of the day at my training centre, hope you get what you want and most of all enjoy yourself but mind they bleeding car drivers!

  3. Yeah, thoroughly enjoyed it - except for my near serious blooper :P Coming out the venue, I turned right and after about a mile started to wonder why cars coming the other way were flashing me. Then I realised i was driving down the fast lane of a dual carriageway the wrong way !!! :( A quick dash across the middle to the proper carriageway and all was well ! Phew !! Doh :)

    Please don't tell me I'm the only one to ever do that coming out that venue !

    Was going to make an age related comment here........

    What the hell! Only ever seen or heard of old duffers in Volvo's driving the wrong way down dual carriageways/motorways :blink:

  4. Instead of putting the front wheel on top of it compress it into the face of obsticle about 2/3 to 3/4 of the way up and get your timing right with the rear compression coupled with a quick blip on the throttle should launch the bike up there nicely. Be warned though you will have to be quick on the brakes and clutch when up there as this method should see you on the top edge on the back wheel.

    Feels great when you get it right shame for me this is 1/100 :blink:

  5. Thats more what I was getting at we all seem to be assuming the problem is STILL there? I fully agree that in your case and most likely many others the problem was unacceptable, what I am trying to say is because it was dosen't mean it still is a problem? And for the most part the problem is now occuring mainly to bikes of the 3 year old variety when the problem was current and known.

    (holds fingers crossed that his bike doesn't have a wilt next ride :blink: )

  6. From all these comments about it STILL being a problem I presume we all know of at least, say 3+ 2007 bikes that have had this fault?

    Personally not even heard of many '06 bikes with an issue definatley not a single fault with an '07 bike, perhaps the 2008 will be better again, but from were I'm standing this is a bit of kit built on the limits for competition reasons in all weathers and conditions, and to be fair at not a huge cost brand new..... Should we all really expect every part on our bikes to last 3 years plus?

  7. Hopefully although all this very British weather isn't making me want to ride! Still all the head winds can only make me stronger right?

    Myself and my Brother rode to Collumpton in mid Devon the other weekend I totalled 99.7 miles from my house (Chepstow) and let me tell you the A38 is one hilly bugger! Plus the weather although a decent temperature, we were riding into a head wind all the way, I think the metoffice site said something like 12-15mph SSW all day.

    Doesn't look like I'll quite make the grand mark but maybe just over half?

    Strangley really looking forward to it now and am going to have to take it easy this Sunday on the Beta as knowing my luck I'll end up breaking something ;)


    P.S since I started training for this I have only had 2 punctures, snapped one chain and mileage to date is.......... 1563miles

  8. After many times bending my right hand subframe to get the exhaust off the rear tyre I finally cracked the bugger ( I fall off far to much!) But this did make me buy a new one and at only about

  9. Not sure if he has any left but I'm sure he should be getting more in.....

    All three kits (Brown Union Jack, Black and the White [as seen on r2w's]) Should be available from SXS

    so what is the third one?

    Sorry my description was a bit poor!

    1. Union Jack Micheal Brown replica

    2. White as seen on r2w's bike

    3. Black (would look very nice on the 2007 rev 3)


  10. Barry, nice pics, i think you will have one of those Shercos later in the year :wacko: you will love it

    That's why he is having to buy his own van, he's not putting a sherco on my trailer .... <_<

    With those tyres and wheel bearings I think I have the better deal :)

  11. This is just a thought..... But on my Scorpa Easy I had a shifting problem that turned out to be the shift pawl assembley spring was slightly bent. this is from memory (mine is very poor and was a fair while ago now) on the Rotax engine a drum like assembly with a fork that turned it selecting the correct selector fork and gear. I had a slightly bent spring not allowing the pawl to centralise. On that bike it was just a case of removing the clutch casing putting the shifter back on and inspecting the movement when shifting between gears. IF it is anything like this it will be very apparent when you have the cover off and try shifting between gears.

    I hope you can make some kind of sense of that as like I said it was a while ago and I am having trouble trying to explain it :wacko:

  12. Hi Andy, still no go. I am shown as logged in on the forum and as I do not log off it seems a bit strange.

    You will most likely need to log in again around the download area from memory, as the supporter extras isn't part of the forum it will not see you as logged in. Try left clicking on one of the video links... log in when asked and then you should be able to d/l all of them.

    But for Andys` and all other supporters sake don't try watching them online!

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